I have been trying to figure out this Insim Init problem.
I put W17 in another folder and tried the very same insim program in that, works like a charm, but it won't init neither in W20 nor W21.
When i start insim program, first lfs says "Insim - UDP : OLT-Insim (port x)", which i means it did receive IS_ISI and everything is ok. It got the name and port right from the packet. Password also works and i get "password doesn't match" if i put a wrong password on purpose. So i recon that initialize works.
The problems arise with the following packets, any packet i send after init, result in "Insim : packet received before ISI packet". (in W17 packets go through and work)
It is likely that I'm to blame for the bug, but after hours and hours of head scratching I can't figure it out. If there are no changes in insim prog or LFS, it should work, right? :sppalpati