Well, I'm new to racing sims. I've always enjoyed racing games but never got into racing sims. I bought my g25 for TDU which I enjoy immensely. I've gotten to the point where I can use my wheel pretty good. It seems the only games that actually fully support the g25 are racing sims. So here I am.
Do you guys know where I can get a guide for setting up the G25 for LFS? I saw a post where people change the wheel range based on the car driven, but that seems a little extreme having to change the profile settings for every time you get in a different car.
I also found a post about car setups. I have a very basic knowledge of configuring cars and the most I ever did was for NFSU2. Most of what I've found has been for explaining the settings, but not really how they work together or recommended settings. I don't want to rely on downloaded setups, because I need to learn how to do this eventually. Especially for other racing sims that have similar setups.
Finally, I'm a casual driver. I love TDU for the cruises rather than the races. If I can get good enough to not crash in races in LFS, I'll be happy. I don't ever expect to be good enough to seriously compete. Any help from you guys would be great.