I want to send the telemetry data by OutSim to a C++ programe using UDP. And I have succeeded to receive data in my C++ programe. But there is a problem that when i exit the game, my C++ programe continue to receive datas until a few seconds later which appears that the communication between OutSim and my C++ programe is delayed.
The frequency in my C++ code is 10ms, i would like to ask what is the frequency of the OutSim and how can i match it with my C++ programe in UDP?
Furthermore, when i output the data of Time and ID, the numbers look a little strange as shown in the following.What are the meanings of Time and ID in the OurSim data?
Time: 3155158152
ID: -1155076736
Angular Velocity (x,y,z): -0.0119994,-0.0404766,-0.0833928