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Quote from johneysvk :'people faster than me are cheating'...

yeah, roight? lol

under 1:34 is perfectly possible
I hope so, I'll have to check more replays and analytics where to improve.
Demo licensed
Thank you all for the replies, with more practice I managed to get 1.34.41 so far as the best, possible another 1-2 tenth but without script clutch shifting whatever I don't think I can go lower.
Also, for a friend, is there any place I can find scripts or macro settings for Thrustmuster TX wheel? I found a logitech description but that is not for me.
Demo licensed
I was wondering what is the best possible no cheat (not even using script!) time on BL1 with the XFG? I'd like to think it's not possible to go below 1.34 without cheating. Can someone convince me otherwise? Smile
Improve my shifting
Demo licensed
Hi all, apologies if this was mentioned already, as far as I tried I couldn't find any help related to this.
I'm a beginner driving XFG on Blackwood and I'm trying to improve my times, so I'm checking the data of my laps.
I see that I'm losing time on my shifting compared to a record lap data.

See the green (the record one) is so smooth barely losing any speed on shifting, while I'm falling behind which each shifts.
I'm using a TM T300 shifting with the flaps behind the wheel in sequential mode.
I tried lifting the accelerator or staying on it, using a button clutch or the auto-clutch, basically, no difference
I'm open for suggestions how to improve and have that smooth acceleration even when shifting , without losing speed.
Last edited by GeeJay83, .