Thats what i meant, i didn't know it so theirefore my question but mister DRIFT 14 isn't the person that would help other beginners by answering with a normal answer in that question.
That aint nice to say..................
Racing games are my number one.
But to the people with normale answers, thank ou for replying.
I had to ask because my G25 had some starting problems and because of those problems i figured that this could be one of the remaining problems.
Hello !
When driving in Formula cars the shifting does not fucntion properly.
When i give 100% throttle on the pedal the upshift does not respond on the steering wheel itself.
When i release the gas peadl for a fraction of a second i can upshift....
Can anybody help me with this? I want to upshift smootly without haveing to release the gas or pop the clutch.
I have seen LFS come by in the last couple of years but never got really in to it untill yesterday
Got a S2 license en my G25 connected.
I have done driving Project Torque for some time but with all the nitro and other crapy add ons it wasn't realistic anymore.
The first few tracks on black rock are a dream !!
Thanks again for the reply.
I tryed to explain that it was my grahpics the had the problem, not the sound
After i reconfogured my G25 en unplugged my rumble pad ( just to be sure) i had the videp graphics problem.......................but i got the answer to that !!! ( REBOOT !!!!!) hahaha
A reboot did the trick and i am now a happy driver with a working G25
Thanks again for you're quick help and hope to see you on the track.
MAny many thanks !
The tip about the configuration screen in windows did the job!
Now i got the wheel working, i got into another problem, the game is slow when i', driving on a track, i got big freezes in the motion.
So now i git the wheel working but my graphics act up. I did not have this problem with the rumble pad 2 before, but now when i use the wheel i do.
In the left corner of my screen when driving, i see FPS? it's between 20 en 50 during driving in this bad situation.
Anybody got an answer on that?
I hooked up my G25 steering wheel in LFS.
I got one major problem, when the car starts it automaticly gives full power while i am not pressing any pedals.
I tryed configuring soms elemenst but this problem keeps on comming back.
Further more: the steering is to responsive/to fast, how can i make it respond a bit slower so it feels more real?