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S2 licensed
I would keep the home page up to date.
When they say "early 2009" you may count on February or March, this is going to get over the 1st half of 2009.

Just release some news and everydoy's happy
S2 licensed
Guys, where can you download setups that you are talking about? (Nilex2561)
S2 licensed
Quote from fraghetti :also I did not know that some racing cars have to release throttle partially before shifting.
have u guys been born with the knowledge for that? guess nawt

Thats what i meant, i didn't know it so theirefore my question but mister DRIFT 14 isn't the person that would help other beginners by answering with a normal answer in that question.

ow...and another driver with a normal question:
Last edited by Supreme-NL, .
S2 licensed
Well nice to see that other people have the same questions as i do, to bad some don'te really want te help other people.
S2 licensed

Not the only one with a normal question i see.......................
Last edited by Supreme-NL, .
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :That's how you have to do it.

Really, some people just aren't cut out for racing games.

That aint nice to say..................
Racing games are my number one.
But to the people with normale answers, thank ou for replying.
I had to ask because my G25 had some starting problems and because of those problems i figured that this could be one of the remaining problems.
G25: Shifting question
S2 licensed
Hello !
When driving in Formula cars the shifting does not fucntion properly.
When i give 100% throttle on the pedal the upshift does not respond on the steering wheel itself.
When i release the gas peadl for a fraction of a second i can upshift....
Can anybody help me with this? I want to upshift smootly without haveing to release the gas or pop the clutch.

In the normal cars this problem aint theire.

S2 licensed
Hello theire !

I have seen LFS come by in the last couple of years but never got really in to it untill yesterday
Got a S2 license en my G25 connected.
I have done driving Project Torque for some time but with all the nitro and other crapy add ons it wasn't realistic anymore.
The first few tracks on black rock are a dream !!

Hope to see you al on track,
S2 licensed
Thanks again for the reply.
I tryed to explain that it was my grahpics the had the problem, not the sound
After i reconfogured my G25 en unplugged my rumble pad ( just to be sure) i had the videp graphics problem.......................but i got the answer to that !!! ( REBOOT !!!!!) hahaha
A reboot did the trick and i am now a happy driver with a working G25

Thanks again for you're quick help and hope to see you on the track.

S2 licensed
MAny many thanks !
The tip about the configuration screen in windows did the job!
Now i got the wheel working, i got into another problem, the game is slow when i', driving on a track, i got big freezes in the motion.
So now i git the wheel working but my graphics act up. I did not have this problem with the rumble pad 2 before, but now when i use the wheel i do.
In the left corner of my screen when driving, i see FPS? it's between 20 en 50 during driving in this bad situation.
Anybody got an answer on that?
Last edited by Supreme-NL, .
G25 steering wheel: problem with gaspedal.
S2 licensed
Hello !

I hooked up my G25 steering wheel in LFS.
I got one major problem, when the car starts it automaticly gives full power while i am not pressing any pedals.
I tryed configuring soms elemenst but this problem keeps on comming back.

Further more: the steering is to responsive/to fast, how can i make it respond a bit slower so it feels more real?