I have the same problem, and yes I think I use the USB 3.0. thank you for signaling.
Also, I notice in the computer journal a problem with papycpu around the same time the problem occured the last time, so my first impression was that it would have something to do with GPL, that uses different wheel settings ?
Did anyone else experiencing this problem also has a recent GPL install ?
we tested the restart with 2 cars and it worked. We did not test it with more than 2 cars as it is destined to be an elimination race à la Race Of Champions.
I did not use the green arrow to keep the original starting position and make sure that car 2 two is correctly positionned from car 1, and I placed the finish line slightly before the starting line so you can still rush full speed to the finish and not get a penalty fro crashing into something just after finishing the race becasue the right lane is very short. I am still undecided if it must be oriented to shorten any of the two lane to match the fact that car n°2 is silghtly behind car n°1 at the start. I tried to figure that one out but my brain ended blowing a fuse. during the test, car n°1 and 2 won the race alternatively.
intermediate Crossing lines were a problem too because both cars have to pass them in the right direction on both laps althought still riding different courses, otherwise the lap will not be considered completed, or you will get a penalty for driving in the wrong direction... the reason why I place only one mandatory.
our server is liveforspeed.be but is generally set to our next sunday's combo as we're having open races every sunday night...
Still had no time to test the new layout with two cars.
another way around it would be to place the green arrow next to the second car's position, even if that is on the far side of the layout.
I just made a whole new layout from scratch, using what I believe to be the default positon.
still have to try it with a second car to see where the second car will appear.
i'll post the layout if I manage to get it to work :/
still, I have seen ROC track that can be used with two cars.
does that mean that those layout use the original defaut starting grid?
how can I locate and revert to the original starting grid without having to do my whole layout again ?
I just created a ROC-style layout using a 8 figure rather than ramps and jumps (too much damage, the layout makes car 1 cross the end of car 2 track at the beginning of car one's lap to minimumze the collision riskes) for liveforspeed.be.
BUT, as I place the green arrow to define the starting position, car 1 do indeed start on the green arrow, but car n° 2 still appear at the other side of the track, on the side of the layout.
Is there a possibility to assign a position for car n° 2 ?
well, i guess there is but is there a possibility that someone might enlight me on the subject.
sure. that's just What I do. I only unlocked S2 a few times to take screenshots or races with multiple cars and import them to photoshop.
that was stupid, i know
actually, most of my "older" games just don't work on win2k and win 98 is just not stable enough to work properly on large files. so I just choose a system on boot depending if i about tu use the computer to play or to work.
I installed 2 systems on my computer: win98 to use the old FF wheel and older games and win2K for programs and stuff.
I play LFS on win98 and work on the team skins in photoshop on win2K.
so everytime I want to take a screenshot of a replay and import it in photoshop, I have to run LFS in win2K and unlock S2, then back in win98 to unlock S2 again to play with the wheel.
so here i am now friday 7 pm home alone and illepall ALL illepall KEYS OF THE illepall MONTH HAVE BEEN illepall USED I'M illepall DOOMED TO PLAY DEMO FOR THE illepall REST OF THE illepall MONTH. I haven't even played LFS this month!
so I'm pretty pissed off. and I know the only bug was me being stoopid
hi, i'm glad someone's finnaly interrested in those
i made an update of the S2 skins a few days ago, they'll be available next week on michelvaillant.com
(i don't have acces to the login and password this week)
you have to scroll down the "news" menu under the main frame to find them
Or I can mail them if you want them right now
(or you can download it now in the "news" section, but the S1 cars are missing or won't fit exactly on s2)