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S2 licensed
Sex? Where?!
S2 licensed
Quote from FireMike15 :FXO Rockstar Energy Drink Livery

Render by Everen.


No one likes my Skin? *cry*

The skin looks very good - I like the way the yellow blends in and looks quite subtle. Good work.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :"no"

Taking even more time away from the developers just to please the impatient people will only make you wait longer.

Go out, live, be. Just don't sit inside all day waiting for an update on a racing sim.

Couldn't have said this better myself, especially the last part.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ger Roady :"Moaners Heaven" but there was a bar in Tijuana that has the right of this name ,so Lfs was the second choice.

Awesome, I lol'd at that.

This question has also been on my mind a lot. It's a great simulation and it doesn't deserve any relation to NFS, in my opinion.
Live For Speed Manual confusion
S2 licensed
Hello guys, I was just reading the Live For Speed driving tips in the Manual and I got to the section where it says "Choose your tyres wisely" located here.

Towards the bottom, where it was explaining slick tryes and types, the text contradicted itself. One member said something and then another argued the point calling the first stupid.

Here are the quotes:
Quote :
Sometimes, you can mix tire types to compensate with overheating sets of tires. For example, if you use R2 front and R3 rear on an FZ50 GTR, you can reduce the overheating of the rear tires. However, you will have less grip in the rear, so you need to re-tune the suspension to reduce the oversteer.

Quote :
/edit by scipy - This is stupid, you need to INCREASE oversteer when driving R2 fronts and R3 rears because once the fronts heat up (color wise) 2-3°C more than the rears they will just understeer to death. Please don't try to help people with wrong advice.

I'm really confused as to which of these are right. Could you guys clear this up for me or somehow fix it so only one quote resides in the Manual.

S2 licensed
This is a very useful addon, thanks for the work.
S2 licensed
I drfit with KB sometimes, quite successfully. I simply set it to Kb stabilized and max settings. I have a set for XRT but seeing as you're demo, I can't help there.
S2 licensed
This is a great idea and a pretty good server. I only visited for a little while but I'm already liking it.
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :I wonder how hard it would be for LFS tech to run an introduce a friend promotion? where for every "friend" you introduce to LFS (friend must use the link you send to buy S1 or S2 licence) you are credited with say 1000 HRes skin downloads.

just a thought

on topic, 1 voucher bought for another and 5 people that I know, have gone on to buy S2 after being shown replays on my PC.



I think this is a great idea. It would ceratainly work for both the Devs and the referers.
S2 licensed
Ginho convinced me.

I convinced one to get the demo.
S2 licensed
Online at: [url="lfs://%7C%5BLTC%5D+Live+To+Cruise%7C0%7CS2%7C/"][LTC] Live To Cruise[/url]

Probably why you're bored. Try racing...
S2 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :

Can you not bid in the next 3 days?

I'm not sure.. it all depends on my dad.

Can you send to Essex?
S2 licensed
I'm going for this..

Is there any way you can prostpone the time. I'll bid £25 for it :3
S2 licensed

Good luck to yah ;D
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :While the spoiler one would be good, I'd prefer automatic image resizing (which is also available for BBforums) so any images above whatever size they choose is automatically resized or cropped.

Because people have to choose to use the [spoiler] tag, whereas auto sizing would be mandatory.

That sound like a better idea.
S2 licensed
Maybe it's a new ultra car for demo racers :headbang:
Spoiler Code
S2 licensed
I was thinking, especially for the threads with really big images, maybe the Admins can install a spoiler BB Code from I know there are loads.

The spoiler can then help so that our screens won't be stretched when big images are posted.
S2 licensed
Quote from Deutschland2007 :So you dont have a wheel then?

No. I use the mouse.

I amd Getting a Logitech Driving Force GT.
S2 licensed
Okay, I'll try to post a lap of me in Blackwood on the XFG.

Also, I'm thinking of getting a Logitech Momo wheel.
Last edited by Myw, .
Racing like a beginner
S2 licensed
Well, I'm not now here. I'm not going to say that I'm a pro at Live For Speed. I'm far from it actually. I've been playing the game for about 6-7 months now. I actually remember seeing it in a computer book and downloading it.

So, 7 months later. S2 for 3 months or so now and I still.. well, suck. I'll freely admit it. I go online, and through the first corner, people are already leaving me. They always seem to be braking earlier than me and still going into the corners perfectly. I watch their replays and try to take the same line which results in massive understeer for me.

So, I ask you, the nice members of the Live for Speed Forums, to help me. Wether It's in private means, tutoring me online in an empty server, or posting here with any tips or tricks you've learnt. I would appreciate it a lot. =D.

Oh, and I use the Mouse. I'm pretty good with it now because of some people's help here actually.

Feel free to add me on msn at

S2 licensed
Sexy, pure sexy.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :As long as the money order is in Pound Sterling then it doesn't actually matter what country it comes from I suppose.

Quote from SparkyDave :Tristans right, any countrys bank can make an "international order" out in GBP and charge the buyer in whatever currency, normally with just some small extra charge


Thanks for the info guys :3
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :You dont need to contact any dev to buy LFS licence with a money order.

Just log into your account at and go to the shop page after you click buy S2 or whatever option you require, you will be asked how you wish to pay, money order is the bottom one.
After selecting it you will proceed to a page that tells you where to send it and also you must write your username etc its all explained on the page.

Just make sure your local bank makes the money order out for GBP £ Pounds for the correct amount then pop it into the post and wait will take a little longer that other methods like paypal etc.


I thought the money order was for UK only since the Dev that accepts in lives in the UK.
S2 licensed
Does Chuck Norris Under or Oversteer
S2 licensed
The question on the lips of the nation.