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S2 licensed
Ok so you have to have the clean patch of Z in order to have this error message go away? If so, does anyone know where I can get the clean patch and not Z10?
S2 licensed
So can someone post the site to update to .net?
S2 licensed
So exactly where do I place this file. Data/engine? And do I have to rename it?
S2 licensed
Ok, who cares. I have moved on from this thread. Apparently the community is hateful against Demo Racers anyways. And asking if I have had a job before is none of anyone's business. So please, quit with the retarded comments about "How old do you have to be in America". It's lame, and a sure message to whoever writes those type of comment that they need probably give up there licence and get out. So that they can grow up a little. Then maybe they would be accepted in the LFS community with proper attitudes.
S2 licensed
Cool, actually great! I'm in, I will try my best!
S2 licensed
Yea, ok. But there is a problem with that. My B-day was last month. Lol. And you have to understand my parents before you go asking them for any money. They put the serious words Army Brat to use.
S2 licensed
Ok, enough with this thread. It obviously got me know where. And I got more advice about how people think I should run my life than anything anyway. So thanks all who were positive about this, and have fun in LFS. I will keep up the effort to get some money for the game, and will someday succeed. But if anyone is interested. Please e-mail me at Thanks
S2 licensed
Man **** you Richo. Excuse the language. Lets try something kid, I'll live my life how I want, and you live yours. I specificaly said I wasn't begging. Stupid kids don't understand what a simple question is. Either you want to help or you don't. Shit, it's simple. I happen to be in great shape, i am no fatty who plays video games all the time. I just want to play a good quality video game with a bunch of respectful people who know what they are talking about when it comes to cars. Haven't your parent told you to surround your self with good people? Grow up Richo.
S2 licensed
Yea but competitions are probably out of my reach. I dont use a wheel. Lol.
S2 licensed
I know, I could sell myself. If I had any major skills. The only thing I can do is script WoW servers C++. And I can do some basic skins. By basic I mean, (Paint).
S2 licensed
It's not rude asking random internet people for favors. It's just like meeting people in RL. "Frankly" your a Dick for even sending those vulgur posts to me. I don't judge you, haven't yet. Now, in a case that you were smarter. You would know that by reading all my posts on this thread, I said I would work for it. Relatively meaning, something in LFS, or anything of that sort. So please, like we have asked before. If you don't have anything nice to say. Please don't say anything at all. And yes I know there has been many posts like this. Apparently nobody has sympathy for those who can not recieve a job opportunity. And by the way, age has nothing to do with this. 19 or even 44, it's just a simple request.
S2 licensed
Lol, you bet. I really am not to faund of ignorant people. I mean seriously, all I am asking is a favor that I am will to do some sort of work for. Not like im saying. "Give me a voucher".
S2 licensed
Yea, I hope so. And who are you to tell me to get my priority's straight? Live my life then tell me what's best for me. But, I'll keep the search up.
S2 licensed
Well thanks Sparky. And since you must know I am 19. And you would'ny believe how hard it is to get a job. I go out with my girlfriend and look sometimes and believe it or not, in MD even Mccdonalds isn't hiring. Their excuse is "We already have our Summer crew. I have applied at many places over the last 2 months. College for me at this point is a mere dream. It's tuff. And I hope to succeed in my request to find a voucher. That way, I can promote this game to many other peaple and show them what they could be playing if they bought the game. It works both ways. I am willing to work for it. So please someone give me a shot.
S2 licensed
I mean yea, of course I will work for it. Im just un able to provide any money for it. So defanantly put me to work for it. Just name it.
S2 licensed
Im in, sign me up please.
S2 licensed
It's defanantly not illegal. All I am asking is someone to give me a voucher. I'm asking with manners. Not ignorance. And yea, my parents... 1 is in the Army, and the other works through the army.
Hello all. :D Question. [work for voucher]
S2 licensed
Hey guys, I don't mean to sound like a beggar or anything like that. I can't get a job because my parents say the economy is to tough. So all I would like to know is if someone would be a little lenient to me and maybe give me a voucher. Im thinking maybe I should'nt post this because it might seem a little needy but I figure why not try. Maybe there is someone nice out there. So all im asking is please.