Logitech G25 misalignment. Jan 2011
If you happen to own a Logitech G25 you may have or will have this problem. Here is how I fixed the misalignment.
After an exhaustive research period and a, “Oh! that’s what that is” realization, I made a small modification to stabilize the sensor and was rewarded with success.
I never opened the sensor because you don’t have to, but I read up on them on the net. There are many videos or powerpoint files on line that show you how to take the wheel and cover off.
The optical sensor is in the black plastic box located on the back end of the left drive motor ( looking from the wheel position). On my wheel the bottom of the sensor was about .06 inches (2 mm) from the motor frame. This gap and the subsequent movement of the sensor allows it to get jammed. I think the sensor inside is like a self aligning bearing or what ever. This gives it a type of gimble seat to move around the axis when under torque. If the sensors axis goes off to far it seems to jam and gives false readings.
When manufactured the black sensor box probably fits up against the end of the motor. With time, loose tolerances or shocks caused by crashes etc. the sensor box just may move along the motor shaft causing the gap. It is much too delicate to try to force it back towards the motor.
This in mind I shimmed all 4 corners to make it relatively parallel to the end of the motor casing and then applied some silicone glue in 4 places connecting the black box to the casing. When the glue has hardened remove the shims. This stabilized the sensor but also allows it to move as the silicone will flex nicely and return.
There is a lot of info on line on how to get the wheel apart which is easy to do. Extra car removing the steering wheel as the thread like wires that attach it to the little board can be torn off with out much effort.
This fix worked for me. Good alignment and a bonus the dead zone between 5 and 10 degrees either side of the centre has disappeared and accurate steering response has returned.
If you haven’t thrown your old wheel away, try this and you may resurrect the old one.
Well that’s that see you all on the track.