I didn't look for a new team, because no need me. I am not active and I lost motivation. It is the one of the reasons why Deadline team has been stopped. From now I intend to participate only in the Baltic Cup and iTCC.
You have probably noticed that Deadline Teamhas not recovered after summer holidays and did not participate in tournaments such as 16 Hour Race, GT2 World Series, etc... It’s because the team has stopped its activities due to variety of reasons which are not very important right now. I just would like to say that Deadline is not completely berried, it might be that in the future this team will come to life again.
This team is 2 years and 9 months old today. During its existence Deadline had 24 members, which are: afr0, Alianto (Tadas Gedminas), baltuxx, BeNicko (Povilas Klimanskas), Civicas (Mantas Neverdauskas), Danas (Danas Lipčius), Derbis1990 (Giedrius Orla), drugelis, edvinasnaxx, iFastLt (Aidas Staškevičius), jurisltu (Skrajūns Drambliox), mantvisrep, Mrminor28, Mizteriz (Jonas Bakšys),MuderGO[LT] (Modestas Runas), ProSport, Seef, R_Domas (Domas Raižys) Sarunas[LT] (Šarūnas Klezys), seniecka (Skirmantas Stankevičius), Tarakonaz, TexasLTU (Klaidas Gasiūnas), Tvix1, Z0ne13. All of these members brought something new, special into the team, we would like to thank all of them for that. Furthermore, we would like to say big thank you to the organizers of all the events in which this team had participated and those people who supported us during races. THANK YOU!
The perfect combination. The race should be of two hours. But I think that this event no need two servers, becouse during the "Summer Event 2010" on the two servers finished only 33 drivers (16-17 drivers per server). I also think it should be a few days pre-qualification (3-4 days) to select the fastest 32 players, like a "Summer Event 2009".
This tournament I really like it, because almost all the action. Where the action is, I am able to empathize and to run fast and aggressive, but also clean. I experienced a lot of good moments, it was pretty much fighting. It's one of those tournaments, which encourages me to race.
The season ends, so I would like to thank the founders of this great tournament, the NDR team and everyone that has contributed, as well participants. Special thanks to Yann for nice clean races, and Tommy, who has own initiative and began to broadcast the tournament.
ALSO, congratz the iTCC 2011 winner. I think that this season winners are two guyz - Simon and Jarno.