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S2 licensed
Some more slight things done today...
[BF1] McLaren Mercedes MP4-26
S2 licensed
Well well, it's been a while since I made a skin, kinda felt like doing one for a while now, and thought why not start something for the BF1... a couple of hours today, here it is.

Still some ways to go till this is finished, and I don't know when, but in the meantime let me know what you think

BTW Shadow Kit is not applied yet, it will come at the end.
Last edited by jgtc, .
S2 licensed
Yeah, with the clone stamp tool maybe, but honestly, does it really make that much difference? You can only really see it in CMX with the shine off, someone driving by you at 250 kmh will hardly see something like that in the game
S2 licensed
Quote from JazzOn :im talking about this

Unfortunately impossible to fix, this happens because these sides of the car are separated on the skin file and Illustrator applies the gradient to all of these parts as a whole, thereby making a large gap/repetition between certain parts of the car where the gradient is supposed to connect.
S2 licensed
It's done so it's done. There are no major errors as far as I can see, or at least no errors that are "skin-breaking"... if you can see some, then tell me.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I do hope this one doesnt take half a year to finish

Looking forward to the skin, and looking neat.

The vinyl isn't nearly as complex on this one, 'bout 2-3 months

Just kidding
Toyota AU CERUMO Supra
S2 licensed
New project I've started working on... Vinyls are still more or less sketch, I still don't know exactly what year I'm doing, it's kinda hard to find any info on this car, including pics, but no one did it yet so why not? The car looks cool
S2 licensed
It's done, you can DL it in the "FZ Skins (All)" thread... Have fun
S2 licensed
Nissan Motul Pitwork Z JGTC 2004

It's finally done, I'm not 100% satisfied with it, it could have been a tad bit better, but since I don't have time to fiddle around with it anymore and I know some people are waiting for it, here it is. I'll upload to LFSW shortly.
Last edited by jgtc, .
S2 licensed
I took a bit of a (too long) break from LFS...and forgot about this skin..
Played LFS the other day and then I remembered I haven't finished this, now... Good news is, it's almost done. Almost. I'd say 99%. Just a few things to sort out, just make sure everything is symmetric. Release is this week, 100%

S2 licensed
Hey all, unfortunately the past couple of days I've been having some really bad PC problems to the point that I just couldn't work on it anymore (Illustrator would crash every few minutes and I couldn't even output my file) I've had to reformat my C: drive and basically reinstall Windows and setup all of my software, drivers, etc. again...Hopefully I'll be able to get back on working on the skin in a day or so and finish it soon. Meanwhile, I did a little side project over on a friends PC - the Amuse CarbonR R34 skin for the XRR, it's pretty damn near being complete, and I'll release it probably alongside the FZR skin. A small preview
S2 licensed
Is it normal for this to take so long? I have a quad-core, using all the same settings and even with a very small resolution it looks like it would take 30 minutes to finish the render, and I see people rendering 1920x1200 in 10 minutes...what's wrong? I'm running XP 64.
S2 licensed

Not an update per se, just thought I'd add a new pic of the car with the carbon fiber parts added...haven't had time the past 2 or 3 days to finish up the vinyls, I expect the rest of the car will be done by the end of the week though.
Last edited by jgtc, .
S2 licensed
I have a G25 and I don't use any Force Feedback, just the auto-centering spring to about 30% as it helps to not over-correct in drifts. Does that make me an idiot? I don't think so. Personally, I think the FF effects in games (or at least the wheel's way of reproducing them) has about 0 to do with real life car behaviour. Turning the FF effects on max ingame makes me have to fight my own car and wheel just to maintain a straight line on a normal road, if the car is standing sometimes the wheel just jerks itself left to right constantly. Corners are another story. I don't know the last time I saw a real steering wheel go into a fit... Way too unrealistic now if you ask me and better without it. I've driven a real car many times so I know how road response translates over the steering wheel, it's nothing like what FF does.
S2 licensed
Ok, for now I'm done with the side, I've done the roof ( I need some comments on this - whether it looks too small compared to the real version, I was trying to keep true to the angle and line it up well to the logos, unfortunately then I had to sacrifice some size ) and I've done a rough sketch of the hood vinyl, here's how the car looks ingame so far, post comments

S2 licensed
Quote from Thunderhead :Kriva crvena. Svjetlije.

Hmm...ovisi koju sliku gledas, na ovoj tvojoj je bas jako sunce pa boja izgleda mnogo svjetlije, dok je recimo ovdje:
cak i tamnija nego na skinu...Probat cu jos prilagodit malo
S2 licensed
Quote :


and my blitz er34 wall

made by DriFterZ Work Shop [DFZ]Dr.RT_KosA

Wow, that is simply excellent. Amazing work
I hope my 350 turns out as nice as this
Update 1
S2 licensed
Update 1

Changed color of vinyl and base car color to a more real one, made vinyl more detailed, updated a few decals. Almost done with right side.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the comments. Keep checking back for updates

P.S. Hvala Thunderhead, vec sam popravio te logoe...Cini se da nije isti faktor razvlacenja na svim mjestima auta, vjerojatno najgora stvar su pragovi kraj vrata dolje, tekstura se skroz razvuce na gornjem dijelu ako recimo stavljas karbonsku ili tako nesto.

[FZR] Nissan Motul Pitwork Z JGTC 2004
S2 licensed
First of all, hi to everyone on the forums, I've just recently bought LFS S2 and it's a really awesome game so far. So, this is my WIP skin that I started not long ago (also my first skin ever), why did I choose this car? I'm a big Gran Turismo 4 fan, along with that Japanese cars, and JGTC (now SuperGT)- you can see from my name, and the Motul Z is probably my favorite car. I started the skin before I saw how many people have already skinned this particular car, which I kinda wasn't expecting, but that just serves as motivation to make your skin the best, right Got to have some competitive spirit... Anyways, I am working on this skin slowly, and I am really taking my time with details, as you'll see, because I am trying to replicate this car as best as possible...Since the FZR and the Fairlady are not 100% identical cars, I've had to make certain compromises which I am not happy about, but I try to do my best.

I skin in Adobe Illustrator, because it is much more flexible in the way that it works with vectors, and doesn't lose quality when scaling / moving (something I do several 1000 times a day) not to mention vinyl design and such which you need to re-adapt several times, and what I can not do in Illustrator I copy from Photoshop.

So, enough talk, here is the skin so far:

Real car (big image!):

I'll post more pictures of the other sides as they get done, it takes time as the vinyl is quite complex and actually it is the most difficult thing, pasting on and resizing sponsor logos is the least problem (well, maybe not, some of these logos you can't find online as they're of obscure Japanese tuning companies, so I had to make a few from scratch - PITWORK and Kiriu for example).

One thing I am definitely not bothering with is faking any parts of the aero kit, intakes, side exhausts and stuff like that which belongs in 3 dimensions and not 2, as it looks really fake and even if I could pull it off I think such stuff only ruins your skin. We're not making 3D models here.

Most important thing however, why this thread is here, for constructive criticism, so, all comments greatly appreciated!

Expect updates here and check back often
Last edited by jgtc, .