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S2 licensed
thanks scawen, that reassures me

@Axus : I don't find LFS hard to drive (it would be the opposite in fact, look @ my times, and results in ESCC )
the problems with the tyre is in the grip, and the way cars are loosing it
in LFS, the loss of grip, and it's recovery seems to be linear, you loose it step by step, and you recover it step by step, and the problem of gip at low speed should comes from this
in a real car, especially with slicks tyres, the loss of grip comes suddenly, and it is possible to catch up with only small errors
so in lfs, to be fast we are always sliding a lot, and it makes the tyres warm
look at real racing, they are not sliding like this (of course they slide a bit )
S2 licensed
I known traductions are important for someone that don't speak english, but physics are more important for pro sim-racers.
Of course you get some new licenced drivers from Russia, Greek or others due to thoses new translations, but on the other hand, you losed many high level sim-racers, and you deprives yourselves of the players coming from others simulations where physics are good (not as good as lfs ones in the technic, maybe...) like GPL or Nascar 2K3

your decision to make translations before physics was criticized by many sim-racers on other forum, but that's your decision, and it's your game, but I just wanted you known the opinion of many guys about LFS

finally, I'll not play LFS untill a major physic update arrives, and it will be great if it happen before netKar Pro is out
S2 licensed
yes maybe, but I have impressions it will never comes
A physic update is more important than new codepages for the credebility of LFS IMO ...
S2 licensed
hum, sorry to say that, but could we hope for a physic correction (tyre,aero...) now ? I think this MUCH more important than codepages and other stuff that should have been added in last ...
or should I have to wait for netKar Pro for a good physic ?

sorry, but we were waiting for a physic update for a long time in ESCC, and it never happenned
ESCC will be finished Tuesday, and I'll not play LFS after that until a new physic
I love the tracks, I love cars, but actuals physics sux then the game could be perfect with good tyres
S2 licensed
Barton @ 2500Mhz on nForce2
1Go DDR @ 200Mhz
Mitsubishi Diamontron 19" (CRT)
M$ no-ffb wheel
and since 2 weeks, a FrexGP pedal kit
and maybe a homemade cockpit in a short time