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S2 licensed
I will keep an eye out for that server when its running rallycross
S2 licensed
it was great, last night, I was searching through hosts with enough people to race with and I was shocked to see a well populated rallycross host! amazing!

good work thanks!
S2 licensed
great concept, I have done many GTR races on CD1 server, its THE best server to race GTR on.

I am a big of a noob when it comes to leages and things, could you explain the timetable?

19:00 onwards for league, does this mean that a regular 'pick up' driver would not be able to get on?

many thanks

EDIT - I think I get it, the league 'skill' system is turned on between these times? before then, practise does not count to the skill system?
Last edited by CD_Quiksilver, .
S2 licensed
not read any of this thread, but +1 for I like the new version, its better than ever!
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :+1
It would be a nice server option if you could say reverse the top X racers. Would be handy in certain leagues and championships too.

it would be better to reverse the top XX%

that way it would scale with the amount of people on the server
S2 licensed
Sim Racing Dad here, 2x Girls

Not had much time for sim-racing recently, but still a keen follower of the LFS development.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hatemaker :Why pit on the last lap when you can pit on the first? You'd just catch up to, if not pass, all of the guys that pit on last lap anyways.

Seriously though, there's not really any point to doing it that way, those who pit in the middle though, those are the guys that can win the race, as they'll have brand new tires and no more damage, where as the people who try to take advantage have worn tires, or beat up cars. Just trying to use logic here I guess, but I don't know if my English is good enough to convey this correctly.

you only have to do 'half' a pit stop when you do it on the last lap,

you don't need to drive the pit lane exit for one of your 'race laps'
S2 licensed
hmmm... not really sure.

mistake was definately made by shaun, but seemed to regain control. other driver was maybe chancing it a bit, but clearly got far enough in front to have 'made' the move.

it all happened very very quickly.

if I was the driver left in the gravel trap, I would obviously not be happy, but I would have just thought myself unlucky, wrong place wrong time kind of thing.

same thing when someone looses it on the brakes coming into a corner, spins and takes out the guy 3 places ahead, its one of those 'what can you do' situations
S2 licensed
I think modern day LMP cars give the Dev's the most scope to create 'their' car in LFS.

1 LMP900 car similar to a PanozLMP07
1 LMGTP car similar to a Bentley Speed8

that would give you a front engine vs mid engine differance, also an open Vs closed differance with similar on-track performance.

should make everyone happy?

BTW, its a big +1 from me for any kind of LeMans car(s)