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S2 licensed
Good Idea Wolfman

Thank you for your comment Dreadster
S2 licensed
LMAO you think I race in public rooms Hell no. I race in a room that is not listed. I'm not looking for team members that care what there stats say. If you care about your stats then your not having fun on this game.
S2 licensed
My husband is in Windstyle and my brother-in-law is in his own team. my mother-in-law is in a drift team. so no I'm the only one in this team as for family. I'm this looking to get this team up and running.
All Out Motorsports
S2 licensed
Team Name: All Out Motorsports
Server (Y/N): No (Comming Soon!)
If yes server name:
Team info: All Out Motorsports is a new team that is a race team on LFS. We are accepting members.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Accept members on Trial bases
Demo/S1/S2?: S2 only
Extra Info (teamtag etc) Our team Tag is [AOM]
Best way to contact us: Email/MSN - [email protected]

Members of [AOM]
Alisha/ InsaneDragon - #69 - Team Owner
Last edited by insanedragon, .
S2 licensed
could someone please do this for me so I have a skin of my own.
S2 licensed
well i hope this will do for now as I made these for my girls a while back.
S2 licensed
I know that JL said on or around teh 15th of this month. I do know that he got paid today but untill all his bills are paid no one is getting paid.
XRT Drift Request.
S2 licensed
I'm seeking a drift skin for XRT as my husbands PC Crashed while we we're playing Battlestations: Midway so he can't make a skin for me. So I would like to see what skinnerz would come up with for me so below I have posted some requirements I would like to see on my skin.

Car Type: XRT
Car Model: Toyota Camry
Colors: Black and Purple
Text to be on Rear Corner Panel: 3.C County Cruise Club
Text to be above Door: Tinkerbell
Text to be on Back:
Number to have on B-pillar: 69

Please I do ask that you don't use this thread to post negitive comments about my husaband or my brother-in-law. This thread is a attempt to get a skin of my own to my liking.
Last edited by insanedragon, . Reason : club Name has changed
S2 licensed
This was hard for us to do but as things go on its been harder for us to keep paying for things. Our Server name will change once we find a new home.
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :[LLM]*=SAS=*.:RB:.[tL]GhostDevilRebelRider#56

LMAO try this

[LLM]GhostRider #56

[LLM]Bell #69
Last edited by insanedragon, .
S2 licensed
.:RB:. ~~Rebel~Bloods~Motorsports~~ is *=SAS=* Stars and Stripes on LFS. We this got tired of the other forum user complaining about our name on here so we changed our name on here to .:RB:. ~~Rebel~Bloods~Motorsports~~ so yeah. We are only in Two team as a few of you like to call tehm but then we are also the admins of [tL] Team-Less a league not a team. if you guys can get that then you need to go back to school and learn how to read.

BMX this be on Ventrilo tomorrow and we can explain whats going one with *=SAS=* and .:RB:. being one of the same team not two sapreate teams as everyone on here keeps trying to make it out to be.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :you need to be serious about one team. (meaning dont have other teams, you may be in a "clan" or fun group that just uses a tag but is not serious also we wouldnt mind that....) just looks bad for yours and our team's rep.

talk with Bmx ill mention it to him tonight

GhostRider already did Mustang due to [LLM] doesn't accept S1 and demo players its best that *=SAS=* created .:RB:. for its members to use as its team and we are still using [LLM] as our race team but .:RB:. will be our drift, drag, and cruise team.
S2 licensed
Thanks Wolf for clearing that up for me.
S2 licensed
Unless you are here to apply to join .:RB:. please dont post here. I wish that you guys would this grow up and get a dang life. this is not a Flame Thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :lol you want your own team thread locked? this is funny....

yes becasue we changed our team name being you guys gave us a problem with us bring our clan to LFS so now *=SAS=* supports .:RB:. ~~Rebel~Bloods~Motorsports~~
.:RB:. Seeking skinner
S2 licensed
Due to some problems that you all had with my husbands clan comeing to LFS they have decided to bring another team to LFS. So here is my request. I'm seeking a skinner to help us out by doing a Few skins for .:RB:. Rebel Bloods Motorsports. We are looking for more confedrate colors with the Confedrat Flag (Rebel Flag) ontop. We are not looking for the Generial Lee.

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me, Email me, or Xfire my husband or I.

Email: [email protected]
Xfire: rebelblooodswolf or angelforalltosee
S2 licensed
Well it takes practice to be as good as a few of you are and no one is perfect and I agree with oscar on this for you guys to talk the way you do about a team like this is not called for. I bet that when you first played LFS you were not as good as you are today. So what if LLM and ID has not been around as much as you have but atleast we try and we this don't call it quits. I'm hoping to bring my team to LLM and help bring LLM up too speed with my husband. And yes I'm a girl and I bet I can still have more fun then you can on LFS. I mean come on guys its this a game its not like you are going to win any money if you win a race.
S2 licensed

my husband and I PM you or applaction and if your interested we could bring another two to three more with us from ={ID}= Team Insane Dragons.
S2 licensed
Name: Alisha Greenlee
Age: 24 (be 25 in December)
Team: Team Insane Dragons

My husband William (ghostrider83) got me hooked onto this game and now I mostly play single player and once in a while I will get on and play multiplayer but thats not very often.
S2 licensed
I finnaly figured out how to log into the forums. LMAO any how My Name is Alisha Greenlee and I'm one of the two people that created Team Insane Dragons aka Insane Motorsports. So if you would like to join ={ID}= please feel free to PM me or ghostrider83 at anytime.