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Race_S -_-
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Tue 14 May 2013, 17:38
S2 licensed
i need THEM. for cruise mate (:
Race_S -_-
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Race_S -_-
Tue 14 May 2013, 17:20
S2 licensed
Hello can someone upload Race'_S setups pls? :// i need them !
Race 1 setup
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Tue 1 Jan 2013, 19:26
S2 licensed
Yeha Thank you, exactly !
Race 1 setup
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Race 1 setup
Tue 1 Jan 2013, 17:45
S2 licensed
Hello , can some1 please upload Race 1 setups? cause i lost mine?O.o why ever...
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Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:15
S2 licensed
Hello How is the code to make a Private message system? can someone explain me how to do it? pls
.NET C# - Open Source Race App (using LFS_External) (-OsR- Old skool Racing)
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Wed 19 Dec 2012, 21:12
S2 licensed
hm? how to start it? i downloaded it against and i cant start it up?O.o
how to make a insim
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Tue 11 Jan 2011, 13:12
S2 licensed
Quote from joordy599
you must shut up i must just learn some things in the begin but i can code now
changing button and some texts isnt codeing ^^
how to make a insim
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Mon 10 Jan 2011, 18:57
S2 licensed
joordy you cant code you just can change colors and some words .
500servers.com Support Thread
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Tue 4 Jan 2011, 21:53
S2 licensed
yes, i send a request .
[WKD] Cruise Server
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Mon 3 Jan 2011, 09:23
S2 licensed
yes and WKD Rockz but The Admin Sucks you see the the different?
[WKD] Cruise Server
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Sun 2 Jan 2011, 20:18
S2 licensed
Quote from fischauge
WKD is a bad server .....
bad admins (kitty) and bad driver (german driver)......:thumbsdow:thumbsdow:
an admin is a healing hitler says and it does not matter.
a driver rammed me and I will be banned.
considered it to you on the stupid server plays, I will not do .
true Kitty That fu**ing bi*** banned me for nothing.
Insim [BCS] Cruise Server Request.
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Sun 2 Jan 2011, 16:57
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver
Have experience with making my own cruiseinsim
just ran the insim for a while. but noone came.
So i go take a look to other cruiseservers. and i have discovered they are almost the same as other servers, like: jobs, bank etc. Only they just have diff gui and almost same looking layouts + locations.
So for me it was nosense to go further with the insim.
Also there are alot of empty cruiseservers. And still there come more cruiseservers/insims.
Is it just that they like to make one with (no) programmingskills or just for learn programming.
For me, it was more to learn programming.
(sry bad english)
ohhh! Jobs and Banks have since the release from the Lc insim all but makeing own codes is what counts
[DcS] Dutch Cruise Server
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Sun 2 Jan 2011, 10:31
S2 licensed
says the demo guy when the track is s2?
Insim [BCS] Cruise Server Request.
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Sat 1 Jan 2011, 21:34
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSMasterMan
As i was saying.. the insim that i would like someone to make for me would have all the commands such as :
The Main Admin Commands (Admins & Members only):
1) reboot insim (Admin with password only)
2) shutdown insim (Admin with password only)
3) Make an admin command (Admin With Password Only)
4) make as member command (Admin Only)
5) make as police/officer two separate commands (Admin Only)
6) change track/layout command (Admin Only)
7) On screen attention message command (Members & Admins)
8) ban(One day)/kick command (Only Kick Allowed by member)
8) Refund command (Admin Only)
9) Send a car to a cruiser command (Admin Only)
General insim Commands (Cruisers & Admins):
1) help menu (Tips,server rules,officer rules,members rules,cruiser rules, per page) (!Help)
2) cars available for buying menu <!carlist>
3) send money amount to another player command <Send <username> <amount>
4) !payfine <amount> to police/officer after bust command
5) call for a mechanic command (<!M> if out of petrol or badly damaged
6) call police command (!callpolice <LFSUsername> (If been rammed, or cruiser catches someone speeding, parking violation)
7) !message <Username> <Text here> send a private message to one of your mates
8) Buy car command <buy <Car Name>
On Screen Messages And Road Infomation:
1) A Welcome message soon as connected (welcome to the British cruise server have fun and follow the rules at all times)
2) A Message every 30mins Telling cruisers to drive on the left at all times*
3) The car list at the top telling you what you have/don't have.
4) speed limit on the road (Goes red when speeding over the limit)
5) What street your currently on.
6) How much cash and what your job your currently doing.
7) constant flow of money every km you go.
8) starting cash of 7000 pounds
9) a heath bar starting at 150% also goes down after every 5km you do.
10) When at shop you can 'take job' button, 'buy food' button, diffrent foods give you bigger and better heath.
10) A Lottery system giving you the max to win 20,000 happens every 3hours when been connected.
Map Commands (Shops,Toll,Restaurants):
1) marshals placed around the map symbolizes as houses,toll booth,and a restaurant
(A Window comes up and allows you to select).
2) pay toll window comes up with amount you should pay (15 Pounds) and a click pay button within the window.
Police Commands :
1) <!Pullover> Command who ever is breaking the law with in the lazers reach but will condition up after the time limit has ran out. and once they have stoped a window comes up and you have the choice ither to give them a warn* or fine amount*
This is the sort of thing i would like the insim to have, i already have the map ready, i know this is a lot to ask but i fought i would give it ago and see if anyone would be able to help me, and offcorse i would reward for doing all this for me, pm me if you are able to do something like this and we will talk about the payment. thanks again.
Regards LFSMasterMan.
sounds a bit like a small WKD copy
MSO Packet MaxChar Problem!
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Tue 28 Dec 2010, 08:17
S2 licensed
You cant use Left or right because you have flags.buttonstyles c2
If you replace the Flags.ButtonSyles.ISB_Left with Flags.ButtonSyles.ISB_Dark or Flags.ButtonSyles.ISB_light
i think
500servers.com Support Thread
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Tue 28 Dec 2010, 08:09
S2 licensed
i can´t login why?!
[WKD] Cruise Server
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Mon 27 Dec 2010, 21:51
S2 licensed
+1 (sry beav) your admins sucks
500servers.com Support Thread
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Sun 26 Dec 2010, 19:08
S2 licensed
My inSim must be added
Z28 crack
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Sun 26 Dec 2010, 16:24
S2 licensed
Progress Report December 2010
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Sun 26 Dec 2010, 12:13
S2 licensed
ohhh! vistaman, search another game then .
[OLD] Tyre Physics Progress Report
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Fri 24 Dec 2010, 07:12
S2 licensed
I Wish you all a Happy Christmas but without Patch!
Hi and Welcome Tu [UGC]Under-Ground-Cruise
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Fri 17 Dec 2010, 16:09
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomrius
OOOOO i em olways on The runn damen you cant get me XD but ppls ned tu com tu UGC you dont Start whit UF1 you start whit UF1 + XFG you can get XRT free but then you ned tu get PPLs on UGC ^^ Good Luck se you sone
Who cares for the cars you must have a good inSim Design Too
hi all cruisers
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Fri 17 Dec 2010, 16:03
S2 licensed
That must be a bad team lol^^
I am Host
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Sun 12 Dec 2010, 17:47
S2 licensed
[WKD] Cruise Server
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Mon 6 Dec 2010, 16:49
S2 licensed
Quote from Ales_M
Im sorry but you guys play wrong game.
1. good post^^