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S2 licensed
Quote from mrspeed21 :a sim were you can drive with mouse and keyboard , there is even wr's done with mouse

how does that have any relevance to what he posted?
S2 licensed
You have already opened it and if the logitech folks notice that it wont be repaired.... its up to you to know if you can live with the noise or send it to get it repaired which it is a chance it wont...
S2 licensed for anyone in scandinavia
S2 licensed
Du hast einen hund gebomst? all i know...
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :My £17.99 Logitech DriveFX arrived just now,

First Impressions - Better than I expected, wheel feels tiny since im used to using a G25, pedals were super weak, abit of foam fixed that , I need to get used to it first, but its great for the price and works great with Forza 3, the wheels 'Fake' FFB feels fine, it feels like a DFP minus the 900 rotation

Will post a more in-depth review after ive used it more

Does the g25 pedals work with it? probably not.. but do they?
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I am thinking about the idea of organising a racing league for FM3, mainly for LFS'ers.

Anyone up for it?, a race a week, possibly spec racing, haven't made up my mind yet.

That would be awsome
S2 licensed
well here in norway an elite and a premium costs very much the same atm... I ordered a elite 120gb and forza 3 last night... never ever owned a console before...
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :When you recieve it, can you tell me how the wheel is?


sure but probably wont be recieving the wheel at first.. shop gets it 3.nov.. not expecting much from the wheel
S2 licensed
couldnt resist it anymore... ordered a xblox elite forza 3 and the cheap logitech wheel
S2 licensed
Quote from J.Gent :I take my eye off the IRC Room and the forums for a month to concentrate on music and when I come back what do I find

Sweeeeeeeeet .. Lets hope I can get a G25 or a new wheel by the time of release

Relax... G25 will be ancient before its released
S2 licensed
CANCELLED! 1 sign up.....
S2 licensed
blabla who cares
S2 licensed
a month? more like 3 years
S2 licensed
No one is interested? Give me some feedback so i can get people interested
S2 licensed
19 spots to fill up, cmon people! Gymkhana Challenge Event 1 Layout
S2 licensed
Here is the layout for the gymkhana competition you can sign up in this thread: but feel free to download and drive on the layout even if are not participating in the event

Only one time around each donut place <.>

S2 licensed
I'm opening sign ups for the lfs forum

layout has been released!

Participants will be PM'ed the password and server on competition day.

Lots of slots to fill up

To sign just write your Nick and registered LFS name in this thread like this: SmurfeN (Smurfen)
S2 licensed
wooo, grats folks!
S2 licensed
I would like to keep it all in one place, less messy and if people really wanna join they sign up on edrifting and sign themselves up.. shows some dedication.
S2 licensed
oh yes, didnt realize you had to get registered...

Quote :The event will be held the 27.06.09 @ 20.00 GMT+1.

You can already sign up but the layout will not be released until approx. 1 week before the event day. In this thread.

I will allow a maximum of 20 participants for this event.

Be sure to read the rules!

Quote :Rules & Info

Participants are allowed two runs of the course, with the fastest time being used to determine the winner. Time penalties are issued for hitting cones (Automatically done by LFS), and a failure to navigate the course correctly results in no time score.

If 2 participants get the exact same time the first one which achieved the time wins.

If a player gets time out or have any other issue he will NOT get a rerun but will have to do with his second run if he/she has one.

Layout and thread for the layout for that up-coming round will be up approx. 1 week before the event. Server with layout will open on the day the competition is.

No chatting is allowed during someones run, doing so may give you a penalty (+5 seconds).

All types of tires are allowed.

Cockpit view will be forced!

Participators are expected to stay on the server for the entire event and be ready when it is their turn.

S2 licensed
Quote from ALLE123 :Where I can download free s2 license and no sign up?

shit your saying i bought it for no reason? =o Gymkhana Challenge Event
S2 licensed
Bored of racing & drifting?! =o

Join the: Gymkhana event!

follow this link for info & Sign up (alternatively you can sign up in this thread, read further down!)
Last edited by Smurfen, .
S2 licensed
/thread end

Thanks Drift King CZ
Need a server for a competition
S2 licensed
I would greatly appreciate if anyone could lend me an lfs server with 15+ slots for about a week, for a competition i am running for

I'm not sure what i could give in return but send me a PM if you have the possibility and we can talk.

not expecting anything but i am hoping someone is able to donate 1 week of server time in the near future

S2 licensed
first edit in a year or so