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Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
I had this problem and I solved it by calling the server where I have internet to open an IP address for me so that it is public and static so that it does not change.
As they changed it for me, everything works as it should.
Novi Marof Croatia
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
This track is from Croatia, this track i a copy of a real carting track.
I would like you to test this track, I am aslo ready for any feedback be it positive or negative.
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
adam1807 isti problem imam i ja već 2 mjeseca. Probao sam sve šta se da u vezi UDP portova čak i drugi laptop i ništa. Na kojoj mreži radiš ja sam na A1.Možda je u samom ruteru problem.
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
The game reports an error: HOST DID NOT RECEIVE UDP PACKAGE
Problems and problems around connecting to online racing. It does not want to join any servers. All of the above about UDP ports I did, re-downloaded version 0.7B and nothing works. Is there a solution to my problem? It can also be sent to [email protected] if you have any other solutions..
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
Respect, first of all all praise and one criticism. If a greater angle of inclination might be added, it would be good for a smooth passage through bends.
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
The menu is really like
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
The first few attempts were discouraging, but after a couple of laps I really liked.
lap time : 1.16.51
CDC Micevec, Zagreb
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
The trail is a copy Croatian Drift Championship which is taking place on ORYX center of Zagreb, is not completely identical due to a lack of or a true copy.
Last edited by Alf Bj Cro, .
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
Svaka čast na trudu, ali Mičevac je znantno drugaćiji, ja sam imao par lay, a radio sam ih tako da sam sa google maps-a skinuo mjere i radio po tome. Kod tebe je forma staze više manje prolazna ali na mičevcu su brzine od 70 do 120, 130 km . Nemoj šta zamjeriti samo želim da sljedeći bude bolji.
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
What is the correct column in the bin / LFSservers.cfg
DEF1 | gr1 | | 29 999 |. / Default | default_1.ini | autowork
DEF1 | gr1 | | 63 395 |. / Default | default_1.ini | autowork
DEF1 | gr1 | 127.0.01 | 63 395 |. / Default | default_1.ini | autowork
DEF1 | gr1 | | 29999 |. / Default | default_1.ini | autowork
Last edited by Alf Bj Cro, .
Alf Bj Cro
S3 licensed
I have a similar problem, did you solve it.
I think the problem is with me in control panels lapper and the server is running on a different IP but same port 63935th How have you got. Thanks Dejan