First a quick note about myself - The mods will know who it is with 10 seconds of searching and I'll probably be punished, but I really wanted to put all of these points across while remaining anonymous - so if you are going to punish me, don't go around screaming my name please!
Patch Issues & Timings
There has obviously been a lot of chat lately about the release of the VW Scirocco, and how Scawen told us it would be out in december. The way Scavier works is they do what they want - when the want - as fast as they want. The masses of people complaining about the lateness of this patch is obscene. People don't seem to know what its like to work in a game design environment, or work on any project for that matter that isn't simple to do. If your coding a game and set yourself a deadline, you have no idea what problems may come up in the coding in the process, you can't compensate for these in any way other than not setting a date. I guess Scawen set a date and couldn't meet it, oh well. There's no need to spam the forums with complaining that the Scirocco hasn't been released yet and the developers are crap and they should hire more people..etc. Complaining won't do anything other than annoy other readers of the forum, it'll probably annoy the developers and moderators too.
Recently there have been a few people coming on the forums and talking about their lives. What you have to remember is that your on an internet forum - not in your local pub. Some people that I won't speak of, have been talking a lot about their wealth and all the great things they can buy and 'oh look how cool this is.' I say have some respect. Many people on this forum including myself aren't in a good financial situation, my family is running out of money, my dad has no job and he can't get one. I don't particularly whine about this much, but it really p*sses me off when people come on and start bragging about their lives. It doesn't annoy me that you've got better things than me - good for you! But, please don't come on an internet forum and brag about it - it doesn't make you any cooler it just annoys me and probably quite a few other people too.
I do realise this is of course an internet forum and I can't ask for perfection and no conflicts, but the things i've spoken of above are avoidable, stupid things. They're what make this forum a pretty grim place at the moment - I can't imagine what it would be like to be a new S2 member looking on the forum for mature discussions regarding the game - only to find whining, bragging and arguing.
I'll have to say thanks to all of the developers for all of their work so far - carry on as you have been doing - hopefully you'll carry on improving this brilliant game!
I've missed out a lot of stuff, but there are the main things I wanted to talk about.
Please be nice.