Session of Incident (Qualifying, Race): Race
Timecode of incident (mpr time preferably, but session time acceptable):25:35 (mpr)
Lap of incident:16
Your Car Number48
Other Car(s) Involved:54
Brief Description of incident: car number 54 totally disobeys the waved blue flag. Another example of his disobedient driving can be seen on laps 43-45 (time 1:02.08 - 1:05.36) when he refuses to let car number 44 pass.
As a matter of fact, I had no intentions to overtake you in that corner at that time. And yes, the lagging server was a major filament to the outcome of our battle. And the problem never was the lack of time for me to react, so don't try to make me look like a fool with your outrageos accusations.
But as I said before, the fact remains that a part of the blame can and should be pointed at me. But I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming races
Well first of all, I can assure you that none of us has anything against you. We also have to remember the undeniable fact that the server was lagging more than my deceased granpa during his trips to the toilet. I tried my best to avoid you but you ran wider than I expected and therefore I hit you from the outside. I assume I could take the blame for that, but please, there's absolutely no reason for you to cry... cheers