I guess I have to get my desktop computer working again, to test patch Q. It only runs in safe-mode, and crash whenever I use my keyboard.
Edit: That is whenever runing my computer, not related to LFS at all. (end edit)
I dont see the big differece in racing rallycross and rallying, except in rallycross you go round the same track several times, and rallying you do several course from A to B, also while rallying you mainly race against the clock, and compare the different times after the race.
I know there are a few different rules for cars enering a competition, but it's still driving a car on gavel, tarmark, and/or other surfaces. I think rally in LFS can wait for S3 or even a later stage. I would rather welcome more weather i LFS, like rain/snow/ice, and a fewe tires to cope with that.
I guess RBR = Richard Burns Rally, yes it's great! Also Xpand Rally is great! I bought gForce6 only because of them a year ago or so, while LFS stil was at S1, my old gForce2 was enough for LFS. But RBR needed som harware feature, and XR just needed more powerfull hardware.