So you want to pay BMW for the rights to use the names in the game ?
in my opinion it's useless to request specific cars, because they will never be in the game.
on a real car the ABS works what ever way you are going, it just senses if your car is moving but the wheel's aren't, then it releases the pressure on the brakes, so it starts to rotate again.
When driving the Formula V8 with Voluntary Intake Restriction set to 37%, and doing 8500rpm in 5 gear, if you keep the gear change button in the rpm starts to drop, but the accelerator meter, doesn't move, so it's a bug, and when it hits 6000rpm it changes gear
I have attached a replay of the bug, look when I'm going down the straight
I'm not saying this is a issue, and it doesn't happen if you drive normally, I'm just saying that the Auto clutch should let go some more.
On most engines, it's not required to engage the clutch if the RPM is above 1500rpm, and the car is rolling, my road car doesn't stall if i drive 40km/h in 5 gear, it doesn't sound good, but it doesn't stall... so why does the auto clutch in lfs think it's stalling, when it's not ?
Maybe we aren't talking about the same thing, I'm just saying that the Auto Clutch isn't working like it should be
The FZ50 GTR, doesn't stall if you drive 40km/h in 6th gear, using manual clutch
With manual clutch, i can drive 16km/h in 6 gear, with the Race_S setting, without stalling, if you use the auto clutch, it's always on the clutch.... so either the stalling feature doesn't work properly yet, or the auto clutch is wrong
If you drive with the auto clutch, it doesn't release the clutch before the engine rpm is above 3,500rpm, I don't think many people rev there cars to 3500rpm before they let go of the clutch
No it's a problem with the Auto clutch, if you use manual clutch, the car doesn't stall, so the auto clutch shoulden be engaged at this point, try it out for yourself.
Maybe the auto clutch should be modified, if you take the FZ50 GTR, and start in 1 gear and the go up to 40km/h and the put it in 6 gear, the autoclutch dosen't let go as it should, the rpm is at 1000rpm when driving 40km/h in 6 gear = enough rpm to not stall the engine, so the autoclutch should fully release at this point.
I think i have the same problem, i think it's a windows problem and not with the Game, because some of my other games does the same thing, just not as bad as LFS, to me it looks like it's because the harddisk is working or something, my system goes fra 90 to 1-5 fps 3 times, then it comes back 5 minuts after or something.
My first thought was it was my antivirus doing some funny business, but it's not :|, so I have no idear what is causing the stutter
You should be abel to do a lot better, i just did a lap on the National track with FOX, and i did a 1:57:48 and that was with my keyboard.
maybe you feel that the Slicks aren't right, but everyone that Plays LFS have the same tyres that your care has, so they don't have any adwantage over you :P
Locked diff gives you more equal power to the wheel, at least thats what i know, and clutched, gives more power the the wheel with the most grip.
so in a straight line the Locked diff gives you more power, but when cornering the clutch packed is best, unless you want to drift or something
if im wrong please correct me.