an excellent read and one i am eagerly passing around for people to read.
i'll admit if do pirate, its mainly films and tv with a few games on the side, however these are more for me to try the game as theres is no demo, if i think its crap it gets binned as i want the hdd space back, however if its good then i will go an order it on and enjoy playing it knowing my legit is in the post with my serial key allowing me to play online.
lets take an example of a great little game recent released called "a vampyre story"
there was a demo so i nabbed it, i played it and thorougly enjoyed it, off to play i go and i ordered it, however it wasnt in my region yet so i was a bit miffed as it was already out in germany, a quick pre order later and an exchange of funds meant i now owned a copy of it, off to certain newzgroups i go and grab it. whislt playing it it turns up in the post, much happyness later and im playing with my legit.
i think i must be one of the few who actually honor my preffered gaming format and it makes me sad that there are few exclusives for it these days
lack of demos is a major bugbear for me, i pre ordered farcry 2 and after installing the pirate was so disgusted at its shit consolification that i binned my order and uninstalled it.