i have posted this at rsc too, sry if its your second time reading. but i feel strongly about this..
i see sticky posts for rendered scenes ! , i see sticky posts for each car type within LFS (USER MADE SKINs), TBH when i view these renders of newly created skin by the skin masterz in here, it kinda annoys me, dont get me wrong i love lookin at them !
these are not lfs skins ¬ when i look for a new skin for my car, i want to see the skin in s2 viewer, becuase half of these renders skins dont look half as good in the actuall game (LFS), what we doing guys ! makin skins, or your own art for the sake of it? yup were doin both ! but can we please appreciate 2 things !
showing a skin of in 3dsmax is not the point, please post em in 3ds renders post or whatever, lets make the actuall skin section represent what were doing, ie proper visual representation of your work for the product defined (LFS), i would also like to add to this that only the 3d rendered shots ever get the comments, or impress people ! i agree there fantastic ! but again its just not right ! your killing the whole users ability (those who cant render) your killing the skinning scene !...let our skins flourish !, or web admins please segregate the 2 formats of representation !.
imagine if the 3 devs promoted there new cars in 3dsmax, ,youd be unhappy to find them "not" that same quality in the final products ! i hope someone with a broad mind can understand where iam comin from and, dont flame just becuase u like them or make them !