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S2 licensed
aaah, another one of the old days threads, i wonder how many years they still will come up.

i mostly miss the times right before s1 release, demo races on blackwood in xrt, the time after with many many great racers until the release of s2. it still was fun for a bit after that, until ctra and crusing servers came around. that was what destroyed lfs for me.

i could write down some names too, many of them have been mentioned already and i would forget too many anyway.

what im really still wondering is if one day somebody will try to get most of "us" together maybe, i bet we could find everybody again, it would just be a massive task to organize it all.

at least those memories will stay, of times when lfs was still about FUN.
S2 licensed
You know you're a long time LFS player if u can remember...

...our long gone battle grounds server everytime full of people and tiny watching over us.

...ian and me driving the closest races ever in xrt just before s1 release, the same with krani in s2, the nice tbo races we had with countless of ppl i cant even name, for example the gm bunch, sonic, testi and others.

...trying to beat ppl with wheel while youve still been using stabelized keyboard.

...and last but not least, if you can UNDERSTAND fordies every year again threads wishing the old times back.

yes, i know im late joining the party, i remember quite some of what have been said too, not that ive been there with the reaaaally old times though.
S2 licensed
ah ok 3j, i thought was just another rant beside this very good point, would definitly be nice to have some central database for them. i hope eq_worry gets that done, would make things much easier.

@ andrand: yep, still dsrc, we are still out there somewhere, lol. al went to inferno cause we arent racing much anymore, eza still is dsrc too, if you saw the one with our tag he surely was it, otherwise, no idea...

/me waves back and thinks of good old demo server xrt times
S2 licensed
every once a while a thread like that comes up again, like the one from fordy somebody pointed at, but it just wont help. the problem arent the insim systems, it really just is that most ppl we used to race with for hours back in the old days (yes, thats supposed to sound like that) have moved on, dont have as much time to race anymore and just never take a look at lfs the same time.

i myself had quite a long break from lfs and been racing now over the holidays mostly on IHR too. yes, its annoying having to drive xrg all day long and not getting anywhere whereas i just want to have a good tbo race, but it actually has been fun too.

there just is no solution to the "problem", time moves on as we all do too, either you can cope having to drive something you dont prefer to drive on a full server or you need to drive more or less alone. the servers just wont fill up with the old racers anymore, the only chance would maybe be to write eeeverybody from back then and get them online together.

all in all lfs is just as nice as it was imo, YOU just need to take a different point of view on it.

oh and 3j, the times you took a quick look on IHR when ive been there you should just have joined the race, im sure you would have enjoyed it too after the first "oh no, a server with that crappy system" which i everytime think too the first time.
Last edited by dodo.ger, .
S2 licensed
im really not sure if we need some new version of crc to get some good racing back in, ive never been a fan of cutting of ppl from that, let them be new to lfs or not. back in the days we everytime had good racing on just normal public servers, you just need one admin to spectate. there will everytime be idiots ruining a race, even the old drivers can be.
i dont want some league racing either really, that has nothing to do with the pickup character we are talking about and i personally just dont have the time to practice for it anymore.

what we need imo is something like one or two set days/times per week where we can definitly meet on a server with admin privileges. choose a combo beforehand maybe and then just do some races.
S2 licensed
and another old one back...

quite some good points in this thread. as most others i havent been playing lfs for about 2 years (is that a coincidence?), sometimes take a look back in here or in-game and nearly never find any good server.
imo it all started not just with ctra but also with the cruise servers before. all the good racers back then got bored of the content we had and still have and went on to other things, at least thats what i thought.
i too would like to be able to get back on and just drive like the "good old days", so much fun back then...

anyway, for me the solution(s) would be _new tracks_, ive never wanted more cars or anything but the "faster" tracks (as, we, ky) got just boring after a while for us oldies, the mostly tbo junkies (if i can say that).
id like to see some tracks for the slower classes again, as much fun as i had with the gtrs too.
the other problem with wreckers etc. we had these problems everytime just more of us "oldtimers" been around so everytime one could watch over us so to speak.

so, probably easiest solution, find all your old buddies and get them together on a server.

btw, im not the one to complain about lfs, i had quite some years of fun with it, more than enough for my money but to get real racers back in we really need more content (for me as i said just tracks would be enough). ive never been very keen on opening up lfs for modders, but maybe at least the track part should be opened.

anyway, my 2 cents, hope i said something constructive too.
S2 licensed
have to pull out unfortunatly, mother's day. will be visiting my parents and wont be home early enough. have fun everybody!
S2 licensed
eek! i need to start some serious practice i think.

and fapex, i hope you drive this time.
S2 licensed
ah, nice, finally another xrt event.

/me dusts off wheel

[dSRC] dodo.ger, dodo.ger is in.
S2 licensed
ill try to make it too.
S2 licensed

glad you enjoyed it. thanks to everybody for coming, had quite some fun. i will post about other interesting races we do too, so hopefully cu all another time!
S2 licensed
would be nice to have you there nai, was really ages ago ive seen you the last time.

we usually race for something like 3 hours, but you never know, if many people show up...
S2 licensed
hehe, not scared at all, as long as you dont drift any name is fine.

btw, if anybody else is considering to show up, leave a quick message so the thread stays kind of on top, and dont forget to bring your buddies.
XFG/XRG pickup races, 07.03.08, 20:00 UTC
S2 licensed
hi everybody!

usually im not posting about these races here cause im not sure if they are worth mentioning, but today i thought, why not? maybe somebody will even join us.

if you are like me, going on in the evening looking for some quick fun but you never find the right full server which isnt ctra or cruising you are right in this thread. this is what we will drive:

07.03.08, 20:00 UTC, [dSRC] Battle Grounds #1

Cars: XFG, XRG

Track: Blackwood Grand Prix reversed
Qualifying - 10 Minutes
Races - 6 Laps - reversed grid

password will be 'oldschool'.

what im really looking for is some of the fun that got lost...somwhere, sometime, dont really know when. we often had a full server of so called 'aliens' back some months and years ago which all seem to have vanished more or less. if you read that here you will probably know YOU are one of them.
we wont use points or anything else, just come join us if you are searching for some fun. hope to see many on track tonight!
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :Unfortunately, that involved finding the Sound Blaster CD so I could reinstall the creative software (which creative doesn't offer as a download on their site... grr...).

im not exactly sure which software you needed, but usually youll find any on their site. if its an older soundblaster you should take a look at the archives. have found everything myself until now at least.
S2 licensed
solaris is a good read, whats that schismatrix thing about?

i didnt have time to finish my current book yet.
S2 licensed
nothing more to add to what has been said already, absolutely brilliant movie.
S2 licensed
Quote from DHRammstein :Am I correct in assuming it's not all the gfx on the screen, but the AI hogging the cpu?

exactly, the physics calculations for the ai do that, with real racers online it should be much better.

@ chris: i would definitly give the suggestion with x a try and see if its different there. if not i would try rolling back drivers too. i had a small problem with some drivers too but luckily the newest ones fixed it for me.
its quite suspicious that you both are running a 7600 gs, maybe nvidia messed up something there.
S2 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :anybody remember patch X? The balancing was perfect there for the TBO's.

yeah, im not sure what happened there, in x it was at least ok, now the balance is again totally messed up...
S2 licensed
yep, great book and i can recommend the movie also, great stuff like nearly everything by him.
S2 licensed
ports for lfs are 63392 tcp AND udp. dont know if you would need ip of the master server, guess not really and as for servers your racing on, that could be pretty much any ip.
S2 licensed
have to agree with hankstar here, some really great books in the thread, didnt expect that.

going to get 'the remains of the day' then as per dwbs suggestion.

and 'sphere' to come back to that. imo everybody should have read it who enjoys, uhm, "technical" sci-fi and wants to know what makes us special on earth.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Yeah, fantastic book. One of my favorites that I read last year, and led me to read three more of his (A Pale View of Hills, An Artist of the Floating World, and When We Were Orphans). I think he might be one of my favorite authors working today.

That said, you might want to edit that plot summary. A large part of the attraction of the book, IMO, hinges on NOT knowing what it's about for the first half.

yep, would say he is one of my favorites at the moment too, planning to get 'we were orphans' next. or would you recommend one of the others?
removed the plot summary.

another one i want to read is the newest of michael crichton, 'next'. i heard many different views on 'state of fear', some loved it, others hated it. tell us what you think when youre finished tristan.
one of my all time favorites is still 'sphere' too.

you might like my other recommendation too, should be pretty similar in style.
S2 licensed
i just started reading the swarm by frank schätzing, should be a great book. its about nature fighting back. very well researched.
edit: btw, there will be a movie of it pretty soon.

before i read never let me go by kazuo ishiguro, pretty nice read, bit slow though.
Last edited by dodo.ger, .
S2 licensed
yep, was used for dtm broadcast quite a bit last season but i too guess sinbad didnt hear it there, dont know of any lfs vid with it too though.

nice video jens! yes, could be a bit more action, but thats more a thing of the editing, the racing was pretty fine.
Last edited by dodo.ger, .