I want to set my GFX settings at max for best Image Qaulity. All the post in the forum is for the older version of lfs. The reason for this is other players wheels appear to be square and not perfect round. Your help would be helpfull to me.
Thanking you in advance.
Here is my Nvida settings.
AA = 8xs
AF = 16x
Image setting = High Quality
Color profile = N/A
Vertical Sync = Off
Force Mip = None
Con Text Clamp = On
Exten Limit = Off
Hardware Acc = Single-display
Trilinear opt = Off
Anisotropic mip Filter = Off
Anisotropic sample opt = Off
Gamma Correct Anti = On
Transparency Anti = Supersampling
Triple Buffering = Off
Negative LOD Bias = Allow
Threaded opti = Auto
OpenGL error = On
Here is a screenie of my LFS settings
Here is a example of the wheels that appear square.
My system is a
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400
Genuine Intel Mobo Gaurdfish
2 x 1024mb Ram
Gainward 7600GT
Sound Blaster Live 5.1
160gb SATA 2
Hi all, I have used the search tab to see if I could find a thread with the same problem as what I am experiencing. My DFP wheel is 3 months old. I have the latest software 4.60. Whilst driving with my foot full on the accelerator it drops to zero. The car looses speed till I lift my foot off the accelerator and put it back to full again then everything is back to normal. But after this happens the brake pedal is like un-calibrated because when you press the brake 5% more or less it applies 100% brake. The only way I fix this whilst in a race is too leave the accelerator to 0% and push it back to 100% and to press the brake 100% on the next cnr. that I have to take. Is there anybody that could help me with this problem. Thanking you in advance. Regards
Destroyed 2 cars that I didn't own. (Nissan, Ford)
Destroyed my first car, due to a brake failure. (Beetle, Nissan 1400 souped up motor & all the extras)
Survived and sold. (Golf Mk1 1.6 Sonic)
Survive and still running with it. (Golf Mk1 1.6i Life)
Go to your Logitech Profiler and then click on the accelerator pedal and it should say axis properties or something there you can set the sensativity & deadzone's ect. Hope this is what you were looking for.
I do have GTR2, but my pc was never strong enough to handle it but upgraded it this week, and GTR2 runs like a bomb. Full GFX with full grid
and it runs smooth.
Yeah I am not to worried about the manufacturer but I just want a pc that gives me the best performance and value for money. At the moment the Intel setup will cost me in ZAR. R5790.00 and the Amd R5150.00