I really don't want to get into sim vs sim discussion here. Your way is one way to look at things. Very fanboyish way though. I my self dedicated a few years to LFS, ran leagues, built a strongest team in our community and so on. That is exactly why i feel so disappointing when i get this sort of "copy&paste from last year" progress report. At the end LFS has been part of my life for many years. It's just that it seems to be all in the past now.
Properly designed parts of sim is what we all want and precise laser scanning is just that. It's today's standard and you and devs will have to deal with it. Other option is to release "progress reports" once in a while.
It's lame to say - we don't need exact copy of tracks cos we don't have a proper tyre model. lolwhat? That is exactly what we need - precisely simulated conditions.
I did GTFO/Other Sim. Been out since 2007 and pretty much enjoying that other sim atm. And that's precisely why I think LFS killed it's self, as CSF said - it's a cruise sim now.
LFS has a lot of catching up to do to be competitive with today's sim standards. Scawen never tells us what he is working on but I doubt it's a bunch of laser scanned tracks for instance. And man, if you have passion for racing, once you tried those laser scanned tracks you can't come back to basic model anymore.
Since I liked LFS so much I am watching the development although it's hard to do. And since there is a "progress report" being posted every year, and it clearly says that it is in near finish state for the last 5 years, I feel like I am being taken for an idiot.
So it's not just a meter of - don't like it - gtfo.
I also feel like an idiot after reading this "progress report" which is identical copy of the one or two years past. And that 3d max tyre makes it even more insulting.
I think Scawen had setup a forum bot that posts this "progress reports" each december automaticaly. Prolly it's cos he is way too busy coding that new tyre model to post something meaningful himself.
WOW thats awesome!! Thank you so much for this progress report Scawen! That tyre looks so cool man, very impressive. Although i have already seen it years ago it's still looks awesome. Good work copy/pasting in from last years.
you dont really need the logitech profiler for that.
in LFS go to options -> controls -> alt +F (or cntrl+F)
there you can assign a wheel button and write a coomand for it.
for my self i have done this:
ALT + F8 /press F12 wheel button 32
ALT + F9 /press up wheel button 32
ALT + F10 /press down wheel button 32
ALT + F11 /press left wheel button 32
ALT + F12 /press right wheel button 32
(wheel button numbers are just an example)
hope this helps
btw my profiler 5.00.171 works fine in vista 32bit