Quick question regarding the identification keys. I'm updating the LFS module for mUtil ( http://users.pandora.be/viperius/mUtil/ ) as it didn't work anymore with the 1.3 update. It now works again (not yet deployed); however i'm using my own ident key. Is this a problem seeing multiple people will use this program to retrieve the hosts info? The ident key should be coupled to an application instead of a user account in this case. I could off course require the users to enter their own ident key, however that option isn't very user friendly imo.
I've downloaded a hotlap from lfsworld. When viewing the hotlap, you can also "test drive" the setup. Is it possible to save this setup? In other words, extract that setup from the spr?
If this is something which isn't allowed, no problem. But i'm just not sure if i've missed something somewhere in the options screens.
Good idea, the proxy could provide an interface with the stuff i want, so there wouldn't have to go 25k/60s from the proxy to every user. Only problem is, i don't have a webserver (which allows that kind of scripting) available. And since its something i think multiple apps could benifit of i'd rather have that at the side of lfsworld.
Would there be any way to give a query of a certain user (or even better - users (to reduce the connections made)) to see if he's online or not, and if he is the server info (or name, and then a seperate query for the server info)?
Atm i'm using the hosts script to get this info, but when refreshing every 60s it is still a rather big burden on the server i think (25kB/query). Atm i'm the only one using the program, but if i'd distribute it i'd imagine this becoming a problem... (systray program which gives a notice when a buddy comes online, and gives the server info, lets you join etc.)
So no target="_blank" here :s. Layout seems different too.
Edit: when i set in my profile options "Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code)" to checked, i do get that layout you quoted, and it does open in a new window (haden't changed that setting before though).
Well, had a look to do it that way (a short look ), but can 't seem to get the info i need (using the page source in the browser). Its all java modules which get included, not sure how to get the info in those modules.
And since i'm posting, might as well ask a question . I'd like to find a way to retrieve the "buddies" on lfsworld. Anyone know if this is possible, and how?