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S3 licensed
Thanks alot mate!
S3 licensed
Quote from JazzOn :Ok, i have taken the first, but Blue letters didnt work out good, so i've made them copletely white.

check it out and let me know what yout hink

That looks extremely nice!
Very good job from you! :bowdown:
S3 licensed
Quote from JazzOn :Any specific look of the writing/name? There are millions of variations...

Something hmm...
Something like this and this but not too much so it would look like this. I hope you get what i mean.
FZR Skin request
S3 licensed

If anyone would be nice and make me a skin for FZR.
Mainly i would like it to say HammerFall (Grey is supposed to be white) somewhere on the either side of the car
and some logos like Coca Cola, Mobil 1, Bridgestone, etc etc.
And I would like it to look something like this:

With the main color (orange) changed to light blue, not cyan or anything but
lighter blue.

Thanks in advance!
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :No I'm not because most of the time I know what I'm doing and thus there are no error messages

Based on a quick googlelingding (again..) this isn't an error per se. You are most probably doing as the error message says, don't define a member inside a namespace twice.

Sorry, i'm still learning and las time i checked there wasn't mentioned Form1_Load twice.
If that's what the error means
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :There's a fair amount of things to try in this thread ... 81-4425-aca7-70bfbc15fb30

Thanks, i managed to get rid of that problem by deleting chacommands.resx
Now i got error
Type 'LFS_External_Client.Form1' already defines a member called 'Form1_Load' with the same parameter types

Are you familiar with this error?
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty : ... n-the-resources-parameter ?

Judging by the google results for that error message your problem has nothing to do with LFS so this is definitely not the place to certainly get help...

Thanks for you response, i have taken a look at that, and tried to do what they
suggested me to do in there, four times, but it's still giving me the error.
S3 licensed
I would like continue on this project, so could anyone help.
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :Shut up and move on, he was already banned. Stop wasting your time replying and focus on something that actually involves you.

I hope you truly know that i have the Freedom of Speech, your North Korean country might not have it. If you could kindly just back out of this conversation, because i don't think that this is affecting you that much either,
you are just typical American, always sticking your nose to everything.

Now if you are going to say that "yes this does, because i like to inspect the track on the LsC" or "Yes it does i'm admin there" and you want to talk about this with me then, feel free to send me PM. At this moment i'm talking with PoVo, and if your Username doesn't say PoVo i don't feel like talking with you about this, here.
S3 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Ha,

My server is the least of my concerns. I'd rather see his accounts banned here and my server being DDoS'ed instead of seeing him online laughing at me

So you are extremely dumb, no offence.
Seems that you are after for your own personal satisfaction from this, rather
than your friends and other people who would support you and your server to the end.

I cannot express myself how bad i feel for your cruisers.
I'm gonna wash my hands out of this, but please don't come crying here when
you cannot get rid of this problem....
S3 licensed
Quote from PoVo :I'm really disappointed with your response Victor.

Google is full of evidence about this guy and he even admitted it on the WS Metropolis. I don't see how you ban people on the forum for posting inappropriate content while you don't care about a hacker who attacked a server which runs multiple LFS servers...

Just ban his account or he will continue to join hosts, get their IP and attack them.

I'm really disappointed in you, i can't seem to get it in my head why can't you just listen to Victor.

What would the ban do? - Get him more pissed and then it would affect the whole LFS.
He could get new IP address and buy new LFS S2, and continue Ddossing you, and then what? This same story again.

Instead of wasting your time here and crying about how bad person he is, you could be talking to someone who has the knowledge of how to prevent this from happening again.
I'm sure there are people willing to help you and even tho it would cost some money it's much greater good than having to stand this for untill you quit hosting your server, which many people enjoy.
You are thinking way too much and not making any moves, don't you see how much he is enjoying this? Every time you post something like this,
you are just motivating him to continue, HE WANTS ATTENTION! and you are giving it. First rule of internet: Do not feed the troll, and you are feeding him at this very moment.

Just keep the server offline and look for help, then make legal actions on him when he can not do anything to you. This is my advice to you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Xenix74 :One question plz, did LfsLapper work on Lan "bugfree"?

I connect 2 Pc on lan and start a Internet Server.

But when Client1 ist staying and the host ist driving, evertime the host will be kick to "spectate for idle" not the client1.

(its not really Importend because we are more driving as staying , but it would be nice to have this work correctly)

I think the ip could be the problem? ( Is there any solution for this problem. Can i change the Ip to in Lapper to fix this? Or is this a bug?

*Sry for my bad english & Thx

I would suggest you to try and use the
But it has worked for me in LAN, by using
S3 licensed
Help is still needed, please i'm begging you.
S3 licensed
Quote from ricardoboy10 :Did you tried to re do it over..

Just check it :P

Can't redo it because when i opened ChatCommands.cs it came instantly.
And now if i close the chatcommands.cs and try to open insim the error disappears but when running it says there is some build errors.
S3 licensed
I still need help!
Anyone willing to help?
S3 licensed
Quote from volcomy2 :I think that mean the "Resources" is alredy in chatcommands

Thanks for the response!
Do you know how i could fix this?
S3 licensed
Any help please?
Resources error
S3 licensed

So today i was doing my insim and when i opened my ChatCommands.cs
it instantly gave me error:
The item "obj\Release\LFS_External_Client.Form1.resources" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter.

Can someone tell me what does this mean and how can i fix it?
S3 licensed
Building it in the Visual C#?
Yeah, tried but still saying it.
S3 licensed
I'm still in need of help with this
S3 licensed
Yes, I would suggest trying to reinstall it too and then see if it fixes it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Beaver08 :there's some string errors or something wrong with your NCN (Client Joins) and NPL (Client Leave) packets, check over your code to see what is causing the problem within those 2 functions

It was working perfectly today, but then i shut it down and tried to open it again and now it keeps saying that.
Bug with insim start
S3 licensed

I was doing my insim today and when i tried to run it i get error
This comes twice

and then this one:

Comes once.

Anyone got any idea what this is, and what i can do this fix it?
S3 licensed
Racing server, LFS is full of cruise servers and there isn't much real racing servers
around anymore. Even tho i'm making insim for my own cruise server it doesn't mean
that i only support my server. I would love to play in racing server too.
S3 licensed
Darn it, i have been coding insim for my own server but can't afford good server
Good luck people.