I have the same problem with my wheel

. It is a couple of years old and so I thought it is broken. But a friend of me has the same problem with his Logitech wheel. That made me perplex.
I had no time to check yet, but I will do the following over the next days:
- play LFS until the "bug" comes up
- then switch to GTR and check if i can't shift there too
- check if the bug comes up only in multiplayer or also in singleplayer
- reinstall LFS patch U (maybe only patch V has the problem?)
- reinstall wheel driver software
- deinstall other driver software (e.g. Logitech keyboard enhancements)
- do a clean windows install with fresh LFS install

(last option)
I will get back with my results.
If anyone has a guess what to check additional, you're welcome.