lets say..if you dont fail, you dont learn.
practice- time, is most importent, but you cant bent rules of driving, you can only learn them, so if sombody show you right way, things you need to practice, you whill imrpove much faster and built yours driving stile..
and yea i soo many thimes good drivers that needed just little tip, after spending so little time with them they become lot faster.
i dident make them faster, they where fast alredy, they just did one thing way bether, and that affected overall time.
i think 1 lessen is to learn to feal the car..after that all is so much natural.
i whould be reall nice to see skilled drivers helping other.
i still remember one moment obut 130 000km ago

when one driver said to me, no, you are trying to hard here,go easy brake slow, enter early..
today lets say 3-4 year ago its still rings in my ear when i see that corrner