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S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :The football bit is a bit gimmicky, but aside from that there's nothing wrong with the idea of cumbersome V12 single seaters in reasonable length races - and the total reverse grid for race two.

Very true. It's the football gimick I really dislike. Just ruins the whole thing for me.
S2 licensed
I just can't get into this Superlegue series. Worst idea ever...
S2 licensed
Quote from kamkorPL :Ssr_nick (from forzacentral)

ford rs200

This you made a mistake there, that picture is just a small blurred image of some cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Thats because of the different resolution it is made for.

Ah ok, thought that might be the case. Guess ill just revert back to the original ones
S2 licensed
something looks a bit dodgy with the menus after installing this pack. Wonder if someone could confirm if there is a problem?

I have highlited the parts that do not look right. The rectange graphics appear to be out of place

S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Yup.

Well ingame photomode and ingame while playing are not the same thing...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :

New LFS Sound Effects

Appears file no longer exists on Filefront?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :CTDP 2005 has this problem yes, but CTDP 2006 doesn't. 06 has the best feel out of all the modern F1 mods I have found.

I just can't drive any F1 games based on 98-08. CANNOT stand the grooved tyres. Also they ran with traction control in and 06 (and many other years) which also really irked me and stops me enjoying the mod. While I still watch F1 I'm not a huge fan of the cars, although things are a little better this year with the return of slicks, banning of TC and removal of all those ugly wingless stuck on all over the place.
S2 licensed
Manual all the way. Driven in a lot of heavy traffic and it's never crossed my mind for a second that I would prefer automatic to "change gear less", thats not an issue for me in the slightest.

I've always through auto transmission was more prone to issues and more expensive to repiar.

Mainly however it's about control. I dislike autos for the same reason I don't like ABS, I'm not in full control of the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :
Historic GT & Touring - the big one, requires GTL
EOAA GT - a collection of GT1 cars, requires GTR2
CSGT Holiday Preview - to become the full 1970 WSC within days
Corvette - Niel's road version
Ferrari 312B - scary!
Formula 3 - this mod

There are other mods that are passable but get things wrong, TCL and NAGT spring to mind but they'd be so much better with the little things corrected. I've yet to find a modern F1 mod that's even worth bothering with. Thankfully some good mods are finally coming out, the Caterhams and Historic GT both have a good following and with the 1970 WSC mod due for release any moment fans of historics will be spoilt for choice

Thats kind of what I thought. Shame both TCL and NAGT are a bit off, will probably give them a miss, especially with WSC due for release shortly. I have tried them both, and something was amiss when I drove them.

I pretty much only drive mods that work very well with RealFeel and have accurate physics, so that makes a pretty short list of mods
S2 licensed
Quote from AjRose :Lime rock is the worst for me in the solstice I Can't properly brake for turn 1 I keep locking up like crazy

Yeah I lock up quite a lot as well.

Gabkicks's tip is useful, apparently there is some calibration issues and pressing the brake all the way down before you leave the pits remedies this. I find you don't need to push the break peddle that far. Also don't change to third to quickly as that causes problems too.
It's probably not the fastst way but I point the car towards the corner before braking, still trailing the brakes as I just clip the first curb, I then drift out a little so I can start accelarting early through the second apex of the corner.

You might find these circuit maps useful
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :They all have completely implausible tyres and fail at the first hurdle as a result.

Just about everything was guessed and not even close or logical, in a weird thread over at RSC the physics creator got reprimanded for flaming anyone who made logical constructive criticism.

ajp, what mods in your opinion are most accurate and as a reult work very real with RealFeel. These days if a mod does not fully support RealFeel, which I guess means the suspension has to be built in CarFactory, I wont bother with it.
S2 licensed
All I was referring to was at lime park I was braking much more and earlier than I needed to. I didn;t realise how much grip the solstice had and how much speed it could carry through the corner. When I learned this I took about a second off my lap time.
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :HardWare
I mean wheel/pedals, etc.


/feels stupid
S2 licensed
Quote from titanLS :Agreed. The racing in C+ is usually super clean and competitive. Actually, it's the cleanest sim racing I've ever seen.

I'm still in Rookie class and have found he racing to be pretty clean for the most part. Sure lots of mistakes are made, but it is the Rookie class after all, it has to be expected to a certain extent.

Quote from tiagolapa :Hey guys. I just finished my second race. I came 2nd, great clean race. I managed to finish without contact or doing any mistake.

But my lap time at Lime Rock sucks 1:5.69 and the 1st did 1:3.xx

A few more races like this and I can drive the Ford. Cant wait

Less brakes, more speed through the corner That was the biggest thing I noticed watching others, you can carry a lot of speed through the corners.

My top tip for iRacing, practice. I put in a lot of practice laps at Lime Rock and then a few time trials before I ventured into a race.
Last edited by FooAtari, .
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :

I guess a new to LFS player would want to set up HW and play a little off-line maybe? nothing wrong with that.

Whats HW?
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :thats the trouble with offers, there's always a better one appearing soon. thing is if you wait for the better offer you'll never get anything as you'll always be waiting

True, just annoying when it so recent to when i signed up.
S2 licensed
Quote from richard dk :3 months 25$ including a FREE Daytona

Well that sucks. Just got a my sub a week ago and this offer appears
S2 licensed
fit like min. I'm fae Persley, ken? Nae that far fae the Brig o Don.

S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Are you being serious? You didn't think ANY of the others felt good? Maybe you have not got it set up right. They feel excellent to me.

They were OK, I didn't say they were bad. Just didn't feel they were good enough to be worth keeping. I only have time to use a few mods, so just want the very best ones.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :There are more than just 2 mods with above average physics and feeling in rFactor, in the hall of fame.

PCC 2007
Epsilon Euskadi
BMW 320 E21
Legend Cars
Spirit of '76
Porsche Fabcar Challenge
1955 F1
288 GTO Challenge

These are certainly worth trying.

Tried them all before Legends is pretty good, HistorixX is excellent. the others listed didnt grab me as much.
S2 licensed
Hey just bought an S2 Licence having played the demo considerably.

Are there any must have add-ons or tweaks a new user should be aware of?
S2 licensed
Is this the Corvette mod in question