Good morning folks.
Is it possible that there is some inconsitent namen of "IDs" in the library?
If I got that right, there are two IDs per player.
1.) The "connection"-ID, given to the player during the connection.
Sometimes this id seems to be refered as getId() or getConnectionId(), depending on the InSimResponse-Class
2.) The "event"-ID, given to the player when he takes part in an event (race,qualy). I'm just guessing here, didn't really check when an "NewPlayerResponse" gets triggered.
This id seems to be refered as getId() or getPlayerId() depending on the InSimResponse-Class
I'd will to prepare some patches against the current HEAD when there is a chance that they will be at least checked.
I'd try to add some documentation as well, cause that part seems to be missing in some classes.