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S3 licensed
I remember when I first started playing lfs, Mercury was the team to be, haha i remember the first time i was fast enough to keep up and actually race with storm and viper and sims, I was pretty stoked. And i was even more stoked when they asked me to join, Sad to see it go.

Im looking forward to the next week with everyone getting on itll be like old times
S3 licensed
On the straights? I get CRUNK WIT IT!!!!! lol
S3 licensed
I think Bourdais would be a good choice. I mean You say compare him to Vettel? Well I think Vettel is Probably the most talented driver in F1, Hes at least as good as anyone, and Bourdais was Very close to his pace, He made q3 in the last 3 or 4 races as well, In a STR thats pretty good driving, Plus hell have 2 years exp to help the team a bit. For the other driver, Charlie Kimball is very talented and fast, but I dont know if hes had enough training to step up to f1 in a year.
And if they were gonna grab A guy for publicity I think Rahal is a lot better then Andretti. I think he actually has some talent.

Marco Andretti, Is a typical open wheel American race car driver. Little talent, lots of money, and training. We have tons of Really talented drivers over here, its just no one over here is willing to help the talented guys make it.
S3 licensed
HAHA marco andretti? The kid is a joke!!! If there was an American F1 team i would hope to god he wasnt our driver. There are 100 drivers in the US that have the money training and means to test for that seat that would blow the doors off Andretti. The only reason that kid ever made it out of go karts is because of his Last name.

Oh and deff have to steal all the ideas from those guys in england, I mean jeez americans actually trying to race without stealing every idea from the UK? wow wouldnt that be a joke
S3 licensed
Oh come on it would be fun, instead of worrying about blocking the guy behind you, you would have to be deploying counter measures to keep him from blowing you to the moon!! CHEA PWNAGE!
S3 licensed
Im gonna have to say the BAT mobile,
Could you imagine how much fun it would be being able to blast the lappers out of your way with a rocket launcher!!!?!!!
S3 licensed
They dont look as bad as th BMW testing pics that i saw. I think they all look pretty decent, but I think the Ferrari looks like the car to beat so far, They seem to be the only ones who slimed the car down to the absolute miniumum in the rear, which should give them less drag. But im sure ill get flamed by the mclarren lovers.

Cant wait for the season to start!!
S3 licensed
Well the only thing i got to say is, In real life you do every little possible thing you can to gain any advantage possible. Everyone on lfs is capable of using a button for clutch and shifting faster. So i dont understand why everyone is bitching, just set a button to clutch and go out there and beat them, Yea pushing a button isnt realistic for a clutch, But NEITHER IS AUTOCLUTCH!

On the side note i do think that a macro is bs, And it would be nice if that was detectable, But i Have no problem with someone actually pushing a button to clutch instead of auto, Ive done it for years and i still do it when i get on, And i will continue to do it untill you all complain enough to get it banned because your too lazy to push a button for a clutch
S3 licensed
NOICE!! welcome Bros
S3 licensed
haha interesting? hes in Mercury of course itll be interesting lol.

Gratz MR Southwood. Sorry for thinking you were rooble yesterday, I know i wouldnt want to be mistaken for rooble
S3 licensed
and we didnt have our own forums it was at
S3 licensed
yea the tree lol and there was walls on each side of the curbs. The last corner was quite a bit diff too i remeber a lot of people would drive in the dirt before turn in, at least with the xfg
S3 licensed
When xfg/blackwood was THE combo . When there was no fuel, no tire heat, no damage.. And then there were some gnarly servers that had fuel consumption programs running ,with pits stalls made of tires lol.

This isnt that old but i thought it was pretty cool from s2 demo
This was soo fun , it was the ONLY hotlap chart and everybody who was anybody did it and it was quite and accomplishment to even be on the front page. Lots of good memories
S3 licensed
150 mph in my moms g35. I hope she doesnt read these forums lol
and a 110 in my dads old laydown kart. Thats a rush laying flat on your back with just your head proped up. Never had soo much fun in my life
S3 licensed
The key to making crap rental karts turn is to try and get all your weight as far forward as possible. Because they are soo stupidly heavy and have horrible weight distribution u need to have your face on the wheel lol to get them to turn
S3 licensed
welll the fantasy cars I dont mind, I actually like them all a lot, But Real tacks is whats awsome about rfactor. Lfs owns rfactor everywhere but tracks. They have all the most famous tracks and I love to racing on them, and I think if lfs Had real tracks it would be a ton more popular.

PS. ANy new tracks fantasy or real would be very nice right now lol im soo sick of the current tracks i dont even play lfs anymore. I know them all by heart and they are all pretty boring to drive nowadays
S3 licensed
omg Carne Asada is sooo bomb. Today I had a subway somthing which was good like 8/10. A lot of time I stop by my house after school and eat some Topramen nooodles, which is like 1000/10 when u include the 10cent price haha, before I go to work.
S3 licensed
chea welcome kaybe
S3 licensed
bf1 is fun to drive but not fun to race. Even with evenly matched drivers, equal lap times, the racing isnt close because of the dirty air u get.
S3 licensed
i have a ford ranger pick up truck with a 4 banger . It has a 5 speed and i heel toe it everywhere. when i first started i thought it would be impossible to do w/oi bending my pedals. but i adapted and just learned how to place my feet. i use the ball of my foot on the throttle and the just the right side of my foot to blip the throttle. I push the clutch in down shift and blip the throttle at the same time kinda as one movement.
S3 licensed
T.G.R PIT & FUEL - 06:43, 21 Oct 2004 - Southcity Sprint2 - 6 laps


lol last of course

Travelled distance:38686
MlFuel burnt:20743
Hosts joined:1360
Races won:492
Pole Positions:77
S3 licensed
gratz pecker wood
S3 licensed
yea watch out tweak I heard they are chewing holes in peoples tires so they blow out in excess of 60mph
S3 licensed
no the lfs forums do