if you using a router make sure u have opened the nessacerray ports in your router options, also as others have stated, check your firwall settings, also check your .cfg settings make sure you have the right ports sselected etc etc
hi very very noobish quesstion, but ive never coded anything in my life,
what im tryin g to do is customise the insim so it displays my server name etc, i just have no clue as to which file to open and look into
or to which line of code to edit,
DOH! lol i found a non legit download *cough* torrent *cough* for vb6 but im not good at codeing. mayb ill have to have a read up how to code. if you do ever decide to get vb6 again and redo it and need a tester im there
thanks mate worked a treat. ran that then the installer and it worked. is there any way of rezing it to fit an iphone screen i think the res is 320x480?
hi there the installer keeps crashin at 39% each time every download ive tired has done the same, the exe and INI file dosnt work for me either just throws up an error about a file not being registerd correctly or somthing?
hi there, im trying to find a way to make lfs store an insim port, everytime i start lfs i have to type /insim 10100. im trying to find a way so lfs opens already with this port open so camlevel can connect without having to type /insim 10100 all the time,
i seem to recal changing somthing ina shortcut or somthing once before to do this but cant remebr how, ive searced and searched with ni luck,
hi fellow LFS'ers im needing some help indetifying a .DDS texture. ive made someside walls for the team im in and added a little white stripe to the inside of the tyre.
now what i need to know is, what is the dds texture for the inner sidewall? i thought it was on the same dds file but it seems im wrong and cant seem to locate the innersidewall texture.
where did you find the working link? ive been lookin for months and cant find a working link lol? would be appriciated if you could point me in the right direction forthe other car soundpacks
nice work david , i thing ive notived tho, i set the alarm, and when its set and you try to type it misses half the keys your press or is this just me ?, anychance of fixing this ? as i cnt type when the alarm is enabled but apart from that sweet little app
hmmm , me and a freind have a server with a hillclimb layout onit, not sure who made the layout thought :/ also got diff layouts on too ... but il try the server later
hi thanks for your replys very much appriciated, as i cant find a cap anywere on ebay it looks like im going to have to build my own, do the LED'S have to be a certain width apart or could i jus use a clip which clips on to the front of any normall baseball cap and has like 3 LED'S like this 1 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-ULTR ... es_RL?hash=item4cea648d58 or mayb perhaps 1 like this with the LED built in http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LAND-ROV ... la_ET?hash=item4a9aa71f6e ?? or if any has a clue were i could buy1 ready made as i dont really have very good patience this would be appriciated thanks again for your help guys, once i get the equiptment and its all set up ill let you know how it goes and what i think
EDIT: ive just had another thought guys, the wii now has this WII motionplus which is suposed to make it even more sensative to movement, so going off logic here if the motionplus is plugged in to the wiimote ( which is were it goes) and you then connected it via bluetooth to freetrack would it increase the FPS of the wiimote from 120FPS to whatever the motionplus is ? if this is possible it would make freetrack even smoother but as i dont have motionplus and its like £50 it seems a lil expsnsive for it not to work so has anyone actually tried this ?
hey guys im very interested in this as i have a wiimote , is it just the wireless motionsensative remote i need and the CAP? ive been on the freetrack website and looked at teh CAPS and stuff and i understand how a webcam works with this but how does a wiimote work? how can this see your movments? wouldnt you phsyically have to move the remote in order for the camera to move " in game " could some1 please exspaliin a lil more as i think this is very cool thanks GRUM
hey great background pack heres a free file hosting site with a file size limit of 5GB unlimited uploads/downloads/bandwidth and its 100% free i use it all the time http://www.yourfilelink.com/