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S2 licensed

Infelizmente hoje nao puderei estar presente.

Peço desculpa a todos

S2 licensed
La estarei
S2 licensed
Estive nas fun races de hoje, tudo como combinado..

Foi muito bom e fizeram-se boas corridas

Ca estarei para as futuras
S2 licensed
Nome- Tiago Neves

Carro- xfg fxo rb4

Pistas- todas menos oval
S2 licensed
Facebook really pays your for advertising it in your hood?

By the way, just reported the situation to the local police, hope they can solve this for you.
S2 licensed
Quote from kimd41 :How did you manage to go there?

Adding the start position there, and just drive
It's very nice +.+

i really approve this update.
S2 licensed
Yes i know, but, can't it be changed? all that place is well driveable and a Start Position can also be added.
S2 licensed
Bug fixed. now works.

I found something, it should be done in my opinion.

Just check this out. All this surface is driveable and it looks awesome, and a complete roundabout might be perfect.
Say something about this ^^

Opening The access in both ways and the roundabout is all whats left in south city.
S2 licensed
Quote from RubenI :Guys, i updated to Z30 and when i try to unlock s2, it says:

ConnectToMaster: Error Opening Socket.

Help? :c

Bumpy .
Tried to Reboot, reinstall the patch, all the same :S
S2 licensed
Guys, i updated to Z30 and when i try to unlock s2, it says:

ConnectToMaster: Error Opening Socket.

Help? :c
S2 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :How about this roundabout - will it be accesible fully? Might be some nice addition to change usual SO4R layout or just have some banging fun in super small oval. I guess the other road up to highway isn't complete or is it?

Might be useful the same for damage reapirs.

That roundabout is a must :o
S2 licensed
Oh God >.<

Exterminator Please +.+

In my opinion, LFS Should be taked more Serious, and in some cases, it isn't (Yes, i know, i am not the best example to say this.)


btw, Thanks for The Support (:
Last edited by RubenI, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Bit late deleting the links because the mods can see what you have edited.

Calm down guys -.-

Why is Everyone on Fire on me because i am a 1/100000 of the guys using vob's? because i show it? come on...

And i don't use any of that in any race i do
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Incase you missed my first post in here, i would remove that screenshot failry quickly as it shows you using modded cars, which it totally against the rules, and is probably looked upon more seriously than some kid who likes to have stupid comments on his key binds, i would remove if i were you.

Whatever, nothing to Hide, but replaced by the sentences
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Ignore.

Works like a treat.

Yes it is sad such people exist. I have said that many times before. But there is nothing you can really do...... So just ignore the damn bastard.


maybe it is the best, but it is really sadness, to see people like that acting like stupid :s
S2 licensed
Quote from cmanns :Become a man.... then this is just childish, and this topic is also on the same path as the spammer.

This is not about that, but about RESPECT Scene in LFS, because it's something needed in every game ...
[Reporting] lfsproracer
S2 licensed
First of All, i don't know if i'm in the right section, i think i'm not, sorry but... i think some acts like this should be hardly punished...

Some Guy Called No-Limit (lfsproracer) Was abusing of Racism, and Saying so Many Bad Things and Cruel About the Parents of Other Users...
" Your Cancer Mother With AIDS
Your Cancer Mother Whore
Your Death Mum "

And Joking with a User which lost his mother

i think it is a Cruise Server, but this is Things Which should be hardly punished :S

Say something please

Last edited by RubenI, .
S2 licensed
I was thinking in my dead
S2 licensed
" Sorry, i Just forget where was the brake pedal "
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :You may have the same problem I have with ISP, connection speed is good but connection latency is too large to play. Got to and run a test; what is the average ping/latency it gives you? You should run this test several times over the course of a week to get a good average but still.

My average is between 800ms and 1400ms. Which means there is no way in hell I can play LFS even with a connection that can download 300mb in 30minutes. For games it is not always speed that counts, actually most games try using as little bandwidth as they can. But what hurts more is latency.

Good luck.


i have Grade A on PingTest
S2 licensed
Quote from Bansky :try to disable the SUPERAntispyware Task, this one looks like being the problem, i don´t know why, but the name looks like "SUPER-LAG-CAUSING-THINGY", i think it is adware, which uses your bandwidh

started before i installed that any spyware, and the name is real, he is very effecient
S2 licensed
i don't understand, in Device Manager, i have

PC-01EC34318DC4, i expand him, and it shows all the stuff, Computer, Sound/video/gaming controllers, Keyboards, HDD's, etc. etc.

Where i Should Open and Update?
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :Just to be clear, did an engeneer come and replace you cable modem?, so its a new different modem from the one you were using when the problem started?

Are you the only person on your network? or do you have other people in your house connecting to the same LAN ?

Great idea by Madcat, now that your conn is wireless you could even connect from a neighbours via laptop and check this problem (just ask them to install the demo for a quick test, they might become hooked on LFS.)

Good luck


Yes yes
an Engineer installed all stuff, Modem/Router, the TV Box With HDD drive , all the cables are new,

i'm gonna ask my girlfriend for the Laptop, to try that, but i don't think it will be that...

Madcatx, hum, i need to think, and some time to save all the data i need, and then i Format C: ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :When you say necessary, do you mean essential?

have you tested with everything in the startup list disabled as I suggested in #17?

feel if your cable modem is overheating? has it been rebooted recently? could there be any damage to any of the cables? or a loose connection. Check to see if the cable modems manufacturer has released any firmware updates?

Good luck.


hum, it's impossible :P

For Two Reasons

When this Problem Starts, i Used TVTEl With Ethernet connection,

now i've changed to MEO, 5mb / 1mb, and i am connected by Wireless USD adapter because my Ethernet card just boom :P

so, can't be the cable or the modem

it is all new


And Yes, In my opinion, it is some infection, don't know if it is a game, because i only > Download < Stuff which i know from where it come ...

And Please, don't start killing me, because... Who Don't Download?

Last edited by RubenI, .
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :Do you maybe use some program that limits your connection speed? (if it even exist )
I saw Firefox on your processes list, maybe it uses Internet, it's from Mozzila.
Maybe your Firewall blocks LFS or something, check Firewall settings in Control Panel.
If I come up with something else, I'll write it.
EDIT: I was looking on your list. Object Dock... Used it before, it slows PC. Not much, but does. Try disabling it, if helps, uninstall.

i dont have fps Problem, i have more than 150 , but it breaks, lag breaks...

Already Tested with Firefox, Firefox and Object Dock off