Hi, new user in the LFSforum here, but I've been playing LFS long time; anyway I hope to follow this forum more often.
Short description about me: I love the car culture, and of course car-related movies like this; so just registered to leave my opinion about Collateral Collision for now.
I saw it and... this is a big one! I actually think this is one of the best car chases done in a computer game.
I was about to get involved in this project but I didn't have enough time (I just did some textures for this) so when I first heard about this project I knew it was going to be a hell lot of work in order to do it properly.
I have been keeping in touch with StartWars so I have been aware of it; and now I can tell this is very good. Using such a simple replay engine LFS has, let me think about the tremendous work this chase has, judging the brilliant camera work. (Shaky sometimes, but even this has a movie-chase climax touch) I think I know movie chases quite well so watching this movie I realized how many cliches and wink for movies there were.
I understand people in this forum may be expecting racing scenes? Well this is LFS so quite obvious. But this movie takes us to the fictional world of movie-making so it should be watched like that.
So as said, the scene mounting, the movie cliche stunts, the made-from-scratch sounds, the realism-spectacular balance... every single point have been taken into account. I like the visual thrill, the impact this scenes have... Solid art.
And as I have told you before, keep up with the excellent work