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S2 licensed
at the moment i am working on a new version. I will have a look at the LFS update. If it is now possible, to read more data, i will include it!
S2 licensed
Ok, i fixed the memory problem, and some other little bugs. Added some features to SimView.

The fuel in LfS is now forom 0 to 100!

You can download SimAdapter 1.1.1 and SimView 1.1.1 from my website!

I am working on the SDK help, i hate writing help files
S2 licensed
This with the fuel is right! All other sims show the amount of fuel, but in lfs we only get an percantage! i will change it t0 be from 0 - 100!

from all other sims we can raead out the max rpm value, but not from LFS! because of that, i set it to 9000!
I will set it to an calculated value, so if you rev high, the max rpm will be automatically set higher!

simvew rterieves the max rpm value from SimAdapter, so its already ok! But in the case of lfs simadapter delivers an constant (and wrong) value, because the outgauge system dont has a value for max rpm!
Last edited by Sixpack_cmb, .
S2 licensed
Ok, for SimView 1.2, i will add an option wich permanently let it dissapear!
S2 licensed

What dou you mean? the cursor should dissaper after 5 seconds! Do you want to disable it permanently?

With the SDk you can create you own output plugin to use phidgets! its not hard, and you cann use the free available Visual C# (or VB) Express!
S2 licensed
Of course SimAdapter and SimView will not run on a PDA.

To run a SimAdapter client on a PDA we need all interfaces from SimAdapter.Framework assembly. but this assembly has a lot of types, that are not supported by the .NET coompact Framework.
So, i thnik for next releases, i have to Spilt this assembly, and create a own assembly only for the interfaces. this assembly would run on both frameworks!

Whats the clue on the network data? Why wee need the interfaces?

The netowrk data is binary serialized instance of the type SimData from SimAdapter.Framework.
To deserialize it, we need this type on bith sides
S2 licensed
I just ordered a windows mobile PDA yesterday

it should run on .NET compact Framework too!
we will see

There is a control in the SimAdapter SDK, the SimAdapterClientControl. SiMView uses this Control too.
This control manages the connection over network and retrieves tha data. I want to make a similar control for the .NET compact Framework, so everyone can make his own application like SimView on his PDA
Last edited by Sixpack_cmb, .
S2 licensed
the problems seems to be a LfSRelax problem
S2 licensed
Good news for all users of a G15 or external display!

Today, i released the LCDStudio plugin for SimAdapter
You can download it from the download section at!

Have fun!!!

Können ja mal einen trinken gehen
S2 licensed
You can configure 2 or more outgauges and give them another ID.
You could configure the first for LFSRelax and the second for SimAdapter!

I am using this touch tft: ... ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :BecausIe OutGauge don't send those information. I hope that in the future I could see tyre temperatures and lap-times.

Yeah, thats right! I am talking to the devs, but i think it will come in a later version!
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :It says:

But I can't find any duplicates. I'm using 26020 in SimAdapter and SimView, and they connect to each other fine... it's just SA dies with the above error whenever it finds LFS.

Ok James, you made the following mistake:

When i said "user port 26020", i was talking about the LfS port!

Outpt Plugins->LfS->Config

for the networking of simadapter and simview you have to use antoiehr port, and you can chosoe this port on your own! but you cant use one port for mire than one applications!
S2 licensed
I fixed the problem! deinstall SimAdapter, download it again and install it!

What values do you want from insim?

do you have an simadapter_error.log in you simadapter folder?
S2 licensed
ok, i found it! there is a bug!
i will fix it tonight!

If you set the port in your cfg to 26020 it will work!

I will fix it, so that you can configure it on your own!
S2 licensed
I am a work at the moment, we can talk later! i will write you a message!
S2 licensed
Hmm, do you have skype?
S2 licensed
Yes, you can run SimView on a second monitor OR on a second machien over network

You can do a lot more with the software! I am nearly to release a plugin for LCDStudio, so you can view the data on Numeric or Graphic LCD´s

There are some more people with this problem. I can´t imagine why?
Do you have other OutGauge entrys in your cfg? Is your firewal blocking?
It would be easy if you write me an email or talk over teamspeak (in german of course )
S2 licensed
Ok, looks like i have to wait
Thx for the info!
S2 licensed
if you want to monitor some values from you car, or display them on analog gauges or displays, have a look at my free SimTools software:

Its supports a lot of racing sims, like LfS, GTR2, GTL, rFactor, Race07 ...

S2 licensed
I cant write him an email! I could support him in doing that! Is there a way to talk to him?
S2 licensed
Sorry for replying this old threat!

Is it planned, that the tire temps will be supported? My users are asking about it every day

It would be very nice!
Missing values in Outgauge
S2 licensed
i am seeking the tire ande brake temps, but didnt found it! Is there a way to read it out with insim/outsim/outgauge ?

I need it for my SimTools Software
It supports a lot of Race sims, and the users want LFS, so i need the tire temps!
Tyre temps
S2 licensed
i need to read out the tyre temps from LFS, but i didnt found it in OutGaugt, OutSim or InSim! is there a way to read it out?

I developed a new System for Sim gamers, and all Sims should be supported. For more, look at my website!