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S2 licensed
you really do make some great skins Bean0 thanx
S2 licensed
that's timely bean0, just saw the real thing at the FOS
S2 licensed
me too cool skin
S2 licensed
thanx muchly another improvement
S2 licensed
Here is the 1st skin that i've done for LFS, hopefully you'll see me on the tracks with it soon
S2 licensed
no worky at the moment
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
thanx top work
S2 licensed
belated thanx beano top skins sir
Ending Races in B'nJ
S2 licensed
Just wondered what the protocol is for ending races, as I was in B'nJ earlier and the race was ended prematurely twice. Is this allowed or does the race have to finish before tracks can be changed ??

just to confirm it was not me ending the races :nerd:
S2 licensed
quite an interesting read this thread. The phrase "water off a duck's back is how I operate in ctra. I have had several people sling insults at me when I've made a mistake but I tend to just say sorry and then ignore any follow up ie Noob etc as it really isn't worth my while arguing. The same applies if someone takes me out. No point in going mental at them as you're still going to be out of the race and there's always the next race to look forward to. As far as I'm aware I haven't been taken out deliberatley but if I felt I was I would just make a report instead of going ballistic in the server. As I've said I have never deliberatley crashed into anyone, it's just that sometimes everyone makes a mistake.
S2 licensed
it's all gone quiet here was in mid race then everyone was gone
S2 licensed
Got LFS when it was first released but have only been playing online for 1 month. As I raced Bangers online I never really gave LFS a spin until now and have to say I'm addicted.
S2 licensed
lol thanx to both of you
Top Bloke of the Day Award
S2 licensed
Goes to [RR]Dan12s for giving me a push to finish a bump 'n' jump race earlier. :drink:

As I mentioned in the ASS thread I think CTRA in particular and the LFS community in general is a great place to be.
S2 licensed
lol my pleasure
S2 licensed
sounds like he's on the payroll to me. As a newcomer in the past couple of weeks I have never experienced a deliberate take-out and I have had some of the best races since starting online racing early 2000 in various formats. There are always going to be incidents as there are in real life, but I think the CTRA servers are a pretty friendly arena for those of us who are never going to be world record holders to ply our trade. ASS, well quite.

S2 licensed
thanx for the quick reply Toki
Bump N Jump Layouts
S2 licensed
I would love to try some of the bump n jump layouts offline. Is there any links to d/l them or are they only available on ctra servers ??

thanx in advance Flyinsi Smile
S2 licensed
very very nice thanx muchly
S2 licensed
thanx gills I love your sounds
S2 licensed
thanx gekkibi. I think the problem was I was using hotlapping, single player works fine.

Cheers flyinsi
Autocross Layouts dissapear
S2 licensed
Probably another noobie mistake but when I load an autcross layout, then end race, I try and go back to another layout and the menu has disappeared. Am I doing something wrong ??

thanks in advance flyinsi

PS If I reload game then the menu is back until I come back out again. Hope this makes sense.
S2 licensed
wow I am going to be busy D/L this lot
S2 licensed
thanx moose and lads. I think it'll be a while before I progress up the ladder but I've already had a couple of cracking races in the Race1 server and I love the concept of the CTRA, I just can't figure out why I haven't tried LFS online before now.

Smile Flyinsi