The Nürburgring, beautifully layed out in the Eifel mountains in Germany, was in reality made up out of two different tracks, the Nordschleife and the Südschleife (the North- and Southtrail) linked together by a third, the Start- und Zielschleife. Today only the Nordschleife remains, the Süd- and Start/Ziel giving way to the new track built in 1982-83. Combining the 22.8 km of the Nordschleife with the 7.4 km of Südschleife and the 2.2 km of the Start-und-Ziel gave a total lap of 28.3 km. This was used for Grand Prix for the first three years, but from 1931 only the Nordschleife was used. The Nordschleife. At over 22 km, a crueling lap with more than 170 bends. A difference in altitude of 300 meters, and at places an angle of inclination up to 11 %.
one way that i would want to improve lfs is to put longer tracks. like nurburgring nordschleife which is a fairly long track and is very popular.and would be a great addon in lfs. especially for you endurance racers.
i was just wondering if there is a video recording program that i can get online, like a trial or something. or else ill buy would be alot easier if thier was a trial cuz i dont plan on making that many videos.