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S2 licensed
Well some people use their manual h shifters in cars that have h box shifters. These people are at a disadvantage over the average user (sequential) that upshifts in like 50-100ms where the manual shift takes place in 400-500ms. A min set amount of compensation time can be implemented for sequantial shift mode for cars that have manual transmissions.
S2 licensed
I can give some more information. Restarting the comp does not fix the problem, only letting the wheel rest for an hour or so does the trick. When the wheel is constantly used for about an hour or more it starts to fade its ff and when i let it to rest about an hour or half it regains its str back. I have %101 overall effects at profiler and %35 in game.

Is this wheel defective? I purchased it new, and i dont want to wait for 3 weeks before it comes back from maintenance in probably no better condition I could not ask for support from logietch yet since their mail server is down till 5th.
S2 licensed
Well there are indeed a lot of suggestions and some of the things I have thought about have already been suggested but no harm in giving an +1 to them for more supoort

- Better chrash physics. The car just flies up in the air when hit to concrete blocks or add panels. It seems they have no elasticity set. Without much deformation, I believe they can be modeled like the yellow-white tires at the corners but with much massive weights so they dont fly around but dont make the car fly around as well.

- Better car damage. Even the car hits a wall at 200+ km dead straight or rolls over multiple times, it can still run fast and straight, amazing! Axles can broke down, tires fall apart, coolent damaged making engine damage for example.

- Engine overheating (I'm not sure if this is already in there, I cant drive a car without a limiter yet) perhaps coolant damage may be linked to this

- Brakes overheating. Its nice to have clutch and tire overheat but brakes can overheat as well and I dont think it will be hard to implement something (not necessarirly a good model but a model that works is a start)

- Night racing ( +1)

- Weather effects and rain (+1)

- Disabling the "dıdıdıdıdı" sound when a key is pressed in manual shifting mode (DIY shifters)
S2 licensed
Well i was also suspecting about some overheating - slipping issue inside momo. Since it does not seem to recover with a new car-tyre set in lfs and happens after some long time ( an hour+) I will reduce lfs effects to 30 from 45. But how can the motor strenght reduce with overload?
S2 licensed
i dont think they do although i cant remember the leds as i was in the race. as i said viration effects were strong as normal. it was the tire "grip" feeling and steering resistance that faded even after changing to new tires. maybe a bug in lfs?
Momo FF fade out problem
S2 licensed

I have searched the forum but among all the momo problems, mine seems to be unique (maybe its not even a momo based problem). But its bugging especially in long games.

The thing is the feel of ff "decrease" after sometime (which i cannot tell exatcly but it does not happen quickly). The vibration is there as strong, i can feel all the bumps and all but the "grip feeling" is almost gone as if my tires are all red and worn out over the place. However it does not come back to its original even when i pit (repair & tire change) fade out is not sudden it decays down slowly over time (or maybe starts after some major chrash or spin out) and does not regain back its strenght until i restart the computer.

It is not like %0 ff (hitting esc and %0 ff) but something like 5-10% where my usual setting is %45 in game and my logitech profiler is based on the settings at lfs manual (%101 overall str).

Has anyone encountered such a problem before? The wheel loses its "feel" during an endurance race and its hard to drive after (more like turning a ship wheel :P ) I would really appriciate if you guys can help me with this problem.

Thank you

*oh one more thing, i use a DIY shifter (ms sidewinder joystick) (h shifter program, non ff) probably it is not the problem since ff is good for about an hour to 2 or so and decays after that, but you never know
S2 licensed
Thank you for the replies

I'm afraid I could not find any race info related to S1 at absolute beginner's league guess i can't join their races till I get my s2 license.

However I registered to R2R Team and was happy to find an S1 content race just as I hoped prior to buying S1 I'll try to get familiar with the team site, server and all that.
Need guidance for newbie about entering Leagues
S2 licensed
Hello Everyone

I recently purchased a new momo (couldnt afford g25) after my ms sidewinder went missing to get back to experiencing some driving. I searched around for top simulation games and found that LFS is probably the best one. Surprised at all the features like manual transmisson, detailed car physics, advanced FF support, I decided I needed a manual transmisson and built a DIY one from a joystick (couldnt make a clutch pedal yet though :P ) I read about setups, found a fast setup and tweaked it abit to suit my style and got down to 1.34.98 with XF GTI in demo blackwood.

I could stay on the same track and car for 2 years as some ppl did and probably got 1.33.xx. However I believe racers must excel around multiple tracks and different cars (and its boring imo just to master a single track with the same car for years) so I went on and bought a S1 license. I checked the forums abit and saw the leagues. However I need some guidance from you fellow racers on how and where to apply to enter a race season.

- I'm a newbie (1.35.xx avg times on blackwood) with about 10 days LFS and FF wheel experience and I only own a S1 licence (cant afford S2 yet ).

- I try to drive clean and expect the same from others (I hate ppl who touch your bumber skillfully at a high speed corner, making u spin out to get the lead, then smile to your face)

- I'm also not looking for real hardcore racing like 3-5 hours every day (like wow).

Can you suggest me a league that can improve my LFS experience?

Thank you
S2 licensed
Thank you, the file was named XFR_xxx instead of XFG. I couldnt find that info around, thanks again for the help
Can't use skins, help please
S2 licensed

I just cant get LFS to recognize my skins. I dled CMX wiever, pasted a jpg file to pretty much every folder i could find about skins and even run CMX wiever but i just cant find that .jpeg file from the program and it "is not" automatically converted to .dds as the readme file says :s

Help please, Thank you.