We have dedicated machines and VPS servers in stock, the website hasn't been updated. Could you please let me know what spec machine you are looking for.
We are pleased to announce the AlienServe 50% sale, which will be ongoing for one week only.
This means a 47 slot LFS server is only £2.25 with TeamSpeak 3, TCAdmin Control Panel and More...
This 50% sale is a reduction on ALL our services here at AlienServe even dedicated machines! The price you pay during this one week sale, will be the price you pay for as long as you have the service with us, there will be NO increase in price.
If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please use the following code on checkout: 50%4life
We are pleased to announce that we have now got a new member of staff at AlienServe, Joe. Joe has lots of experience in the hosting environment having worked for a leading server supplier and has extended knowledge of TCAdmin.
Support times will now begin to come back to the fast response you are used to from AlienServe.
Some of you may have noticed a delay in reply to tickets you have open with us recently. We provide dedicated servers and game servers to a great number of users, and unfortunately with Andrew leaving AlienServe recently, there has been a huge amount of work for just one person.
We are currently advertising for a vacancy here at AlienServe, and we hope to have the position filled as soon as possible. Once we have the position filled, we will have support responses back to their normal quick times. Please bare with me for the time being, and I will try and answer everyone as quick as possible.
We are aware of a problem with our TeamSpeak 3 servers regarding unuseable tokens, we are looking into the problem and will advise as soon as a solution is found.
We are confident the issues are now resolved, the problem was due to a reporting tool consuming 100% CPU usage, hence the reason why your game servers may have had high latency. Please let us know if the problem continues.
We are currently running a special offer on LFS servers, reduced from £4.50 / month for a 47 slot server to just £3.50 / month! Please contact us for more information.
We have a known issue affecting certain users, you should have received emails updating you on progress? We are working on the issue and will keep you informed throughout.
For any existing customers who are still using our TeamSpeak 2 server and would like to upgrade to TeamSpeak 3, please contact us. There is no fee to upgrade.