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S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Finally someone with that H50. I'm wondering, does it cool good?

Yeah like arco said, it cools quite good. My ambient room temp is pretty warm (Florida lol) so I know that it could be doing better but It does a good job @ cooling as is.

arco, do you have yours setup as an Intake or Outake fan?
S2 licensed
Wheel: Logitech G25 mounted on a PVC Racing Cockpit
MOBO: Asus M3A78-CM
RAM: OCZ Platinum revision DDR2 800HMz 4GB (x4 1GB)
HDD: Seagate 250GB
GPU: EVGA GTX 260 Core 216 896MB GDDR3
PSU: PowerUp 800Watt
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940 BE OC'd @ 3.5GHz
CPU Cooler: Corsair H50 Liquid Cooling
Moniters: 1.I-INC 25" Full 1080p 2. Asus ?" 1440 x 900
MOUSE: Razer Deathadder
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
SPEAKERS: Logitech X-540 5.1 Surround sound.

(Cable management was GREATLY improved upon after this picture)
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :You can set it in the Multiplayer screen - Window while connecting.

ah thanks...I didnt do it before the update so I didnt think to looks

S2 licensed
Not sure if this is just me, but. I JUST installed the new version and now every time I click to refresh my server list, LFS windows....

EDIT: OMG just looked at the new dash :O

Great job!
S2 licensed
Quote from senn :sounds like you didn't uninstall it if it is still running. But if you want to end it manually here's how (i can't guarantee this will work as you haven't completely uninstalled the software properly anyway)

Bring up Task manager, go to process tab, and look for Logitech Wingman Event Monitor in the description tab. Mine is called LWEMon.exe select it and end process. This isn't difficult stuff...

That was the first thing I tried but non of the processes is for wingman..

I know this isn't difficult stuff usually but for whatever reason its being a bitch
S2 licensed
Quote from senn :uninstall logitech profiler, download a fresh copy and re install. Also make sure you read what the installer tells you to do, i vaguely recall it asking for the wheel to be unlugged for a portion of the install or something like that, been a while since i ran it.

Make sure you are running the Stable profiler, and not the Beta to. Post a direct link to the copy of profiler you got so we can see what version etc it is, might be able to find an alternate download if this one is no good.

When I try and reinstall I get this message....
Logitech Gaming Software Trouble.
S2 licensed
After setting up my Logitech G25 I instailed the drivers that came with the wheel (From the disk) It instailled without a hitch and I was able to jump right into LFS and the game recognized it.

After plaing LFS on whatever settings it comes default with I wanted to go and switch up some settings (Such as centering spring)

When I clicked on the Icon on the task bar (and from the desktop shortcut) noting would happen, noting popped up.

So after A while of restarting my computer and reinstalling the drivers from the disk it still wouldn't open.

I then went to the Logitech Website and download and instailled the drivers they had there.

And after it installed it couldn't find/recognize my Logitech G25 (Even though It was all plugged in and powered up)

after more fiddling I was able to make it recognize it but when I tried to click on the icon on the toolbar (And the desktop shortcut) it would open the profiler but all I could see was the nav bar (File, Edit ect...)

So now Im left to play games on the default settings..It doesnt feel ALL the bad but I would really like the be able to change it if I wish to..

Please Help
S2 licensed
Quote from AjRose :How can you even see the screen! You are like 12ft away..

lol I know...Its not perm yet...I was just really eager to get it set up...Im moving it closer later..
S2 licensed
Well, today my cockpit was finished ....

Made out of PVC a little Ply Wood and a Racing Seat....

Ill go into more detail later but Im busy driving the S*** out of it.

S2 licensed
Awesome edit Chili, Can I ask you how you did the spray effect off the tires?

It looks really good...
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :i want a link cause thats a nice picture
Last edited by 5-6-ACE, .
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :very nice, but how did you get the picture of the rb4?

NOTE!! i am not acusing him of any way of being a cracker, i am just asking!!!

The magic of google images
S2 licensed
My first attempt at rain =\ Not the best at photoshop as you can tell but I had some fun and I look forward to getting better...

Also a sig I made...
S2 licensed
Seeing as my G25 has yet to arrive I have been limited to mousing...

Razer Deathadder -

I like this mouse because it has 5 buttons...The two on the side work quite well as Clutch and E-Brake (I don't use the scroll button) and the two on the top obviously used for Gas/Brake...It's ergonomically designed to sit really comfortable in your hand...

Also, this mouse has a gold plated USB & a 3G laser with 1800 DPI which makes steering really smooth...I also like this mouse because it lights up lol...

S2 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :@goonie, hell yes. Fras' idea right?
@5-6-ACE, getting S2 also???

Of course...I just dont want to buy S2 untill my wheel gets here =\

Playing with my mouse
S2 licensed
wow awesome video....It REALLY makes me want my G25 to hurry the **** up and get here.....
S2 licensed

Not sure if the offer still works but even if it doesnt its 129.99 with free shipping..
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :Availability: Temporarily Out of Stock

ah that sucks...Sorry about that...Maybe they will get stock soon?
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :Please if anyone can sell me a G25 Wheel second hand or new
the price needs to be £100 or less than £100
I want to buy one but in my country the price is ... very high for me
the only thing i want is .. to work fine
I am from Bulgaria
PM me if you got any offers
tnx ... 16937&navid=155441519
S2 licensed
Quote from AjRose :Wow, 11 views and audio is already disabled.

Looks like you err.. had some fun at least.

Yeah they actually got the audio off as soon as it uploaded....But im kinda glad because it was just Down with the sickness ( I had to add it for a School Project) and the song kinda made it gay
Skid Pad
S2 licensed
A video of me on my local racetracks skid pad....I didnt do all that well (Drifting is a lot harder than in video games lol) but I had a blast...Im driving a soon to be mine 2006 Cadillac CTS rwd (210hp) with traction control OFF
S2 licensed
As soon as my G25 gets here (And provided that I'm good enough lol) It would be awesome to do this...Im in Florida btw..
S2 licensed
Heres a few....I covered my friends faces because I didnt think it would be very ethical to post them on here lol
S2 licensed
I change mine up quite a bit...but heres what I have atm

This is house SS's come out with dual monitors...