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S2 licensed
Didn't read the entire thread so this may be redundant, but my vote goes to Road America and 60's-early 70's Spa Francorchamps.
The Skin
S2 licensed
Would you look at this. I'm replying to myself. I knew this skin stuff would have me talking to myself eventually.

Anyway, Here is the skin. It is only 1024 x 1024 resolution because ( as I explained to the gentleman who complaned about it ) the quality of the graphics available for the Richmond Tigers left a little to be desired. I tried 2048 x 2048 but it looked lousy in the game.

If you need anything else just let me know. I use this graphic stuff to wind down. I'm far from the best, but I do well enough. All the A.I. in my LSF are liveries that I have made, with some exceptions.


S2 licensed
I,m glad you like it. No problem to change the Gooday to G'day. I,ll make the change and upload the skin this afternoon. It's 10:00AM now. I find it quite interresting how people who speak the same language have so many differrent ways of saying things. As I was looking for information and graphics to use for the skin I ran across a page that said "season fixture". I am a design engineer for fabricated chassis components and a fixture is a device that you put the chassis in as it is being assembled to make sure that it stays within tollerance in the x-y-z planes. I thought "why do they need a fixture for a football team ? " Turns out it was what we call a schedule. Oh well, Ill make the change and up load the skin.

G'day Greg
S2 licensed
It is blurry but it was just a composite picture to show what the thing looked like. The actual skin is of much better quality, however the logos that I needed to make the skin were only available in somwhat lesser quality than I would have liked. You can only use what you can get.
S2 licensed
It's just a picture chief. Don't worry though if you don't like it, it's not for you anyway.
S2 licensed
I guess that to some extent I must agree, but I was looking for a modern representation of the livery in a GT2 sedan.

If you want to see the real thing, Stevenson Motorsport will be campaining a 2010 Camaro with Penske livery ( if the deal goes through )in Grand Am this season. I have seen the prototype, WOW.
Richmond Tigers FOX skin
S2 licensed
Living just outside of Chicago,ILL. USA I must admit a total lack of knowledge about Austrailian football. I put together this skin using what I thought would be just enough but not too much. Since I also lack knowledge of automotive performance companies in Austrailia I did not put any logos on the car. I you would like some let me know the names of the companies and I will do my best to find logos.

If have attached a .jpg graphic of the car, If you like it I will upload the skin for you.
S2 licensed
If you could give me some idea as to how you see the livery I would be happy to give it a go. It will take a few days but I can come up with something and if you don't like it, no problem maybe we will try again using plan "b"

FXR skin attempts
S2 licensed
I have made some skins for my own use and thought that I might post a few of them to see what you think. Kind comments please, I will upload the skin files if anyone wants one.
S2 licensed
I have been using Saitek wheels since 1998 in GP legends and now in LFS. I currently have an R660 and have had this one for about 2 years and it still works just fine.

The only problem that I have ever encounterred is that it has a tendency to " pull" to the right. I have found that if I make sure to calibrate the steering when I first open the sim it is just fine unless I crash into something.

The wheel and mount are separate pieces. I have always just duct taped them together as a unit and never had a mounting problem.

Hope this is helpfull. I , personally will never buy another brand as long as Saitek is still making wheels.
S2 licensed
Thank you, I am now racing agains AI carying the livery that I want.
AI skins in game, Help
S2 licensed
I have tried everything with no luck. I am trying to put skins that I made on my AI cars. I read and followed the tutorial in Master Skinners and still have not gotten it to work.

I have: renamed sins, changed profile names, renamed AI drivers, set the options to AI use player skin, etc. etc.

I must be doing something wrong but I just can't figure it out.

Very frustrating, I have been using my own graphics in Grand Prix Legends and Microsoft Flight Sim for over a decade. But no luck here.

Please HELP.

Greg Hynd