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S2 licensed
Looked all over lapper.lpr for this:

Clean racing and have fun ;o)

I want to change that, it comes up just before the race starts..

Any Ideas where thats hiding???
S2 licensed
Hi again...

Ok well that fix it a little bit now here is what I have.

See attached photo. Looks like the text is running over other text.
Or just connect to my racing server you will see what i mean.
Team Rhody Racing USA 1

If you could edit the lapper.lpr in the last post that would be great!

Thank you again!

S2 licensed
Now I get this error??

Syntax error in cfg file Need a item identification on file : "LFSLapper.lpr" at line #1313

I will attach my lfs.lpr file maybe you can help fix it??

Thank you for all you have done here so far! We are getting closer!
S2 licensed
Does anyone know where in lapper.lpr you can add something like this?


Welcome to Team Rhody Racing!
Close Racing and Fassst fun is our Goal.

Would also like a Countdown clock for between races..

Maybe just post the areas of lapper.lpr where I enter it???

Thanks in advance!

S2 licensed
Does anyone know where in lapper.lpr you can add something like this?


Welcome to Team Rhody Racing!
Close Racing and Fassst fun is our Goal.

Would also like a Countdown clock for between races..

Maybe just post the areas of lapper.lpr where I enter it???

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by rhodyracing, .
S2 licensed
Thanks Very Much!

So can I assume that this file lfslapper.lpr is the main file for editing or adding text messages also??

Thanks Again!

S2 licensed
Yes thank you I am using that now.
Still would be super if we could have the same thing in !gui or !ctrack. but
have a button that would switch the track after so many races.
Then maybe have it reset to Qualify and or Race too!

I guess I can only dream at this point...

Thanks for the reply and information!

I bet someone out there knows how to make the tracks rotate automatically! in lfslapper!
S2 licensed
I am currently running lfslapper, and it works great.
All I would like to do at this point is simply Rotate my tracks after so many races. For Example: After 3 races at SO1 auto change track.

Is there noway to create a GUI for Rotation of Tracks & Cars???

The simpler the better for me, I have looked at all the config files and
I am totally lost!

Thank you in advance for any help you or anyone can offer.


Last edited by rhodyracing, . Reason : typos
S2 licensed
Hey really nice job on that Skin!

Thanks for replying to my request!

FBM Go Daddy?
S2 licensed
Has anyone made a Go Daddy FBM Skin yet?

I have tried, but no luck. Here is a link of the paint scheme.
Would love to have that car in LFS!!!
Any Takers?
Wish I could learn this skin making stuff.
S2 licensed
Better yet how bout a Track Editor!
Make what ever track you like!
S2 licensed
Thanks point well taken, I wont be hacking, or cutting any wires!

Looks like the simplest way, is to connect the RGT to USB port assign
those pedals in LFS.

Happy St.Patty's Day!
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :this is going to end well.

Ya that's real Positive and Helpful!
Wiring Pedals
S2 licensed
Hi thanks for the reply..

No what I mean is I would goto Radio Shack and buy a mini D-sub connector
and if I knew the wiring scheme put that connector on the pedals with the clutch and try it.

Wonder if there is an adapter? Hmmm....
Wiring Pedals
S2 licensed
I have a Logitec Driving Force GT, was wondering since the pedals have a simple 7 pin D-sub connector...could you wire pedals from a different wheel that had a clutch to a D-sub connector and make it work?? Hmmmmm???

Last edited by rhodyracing, .
S2 licensed
HAHA Now that was a classic response!

I'm really not ready to spend any more money on LFS anyways

Maybe in a year or 2...
S2 licensed
Any word on an ETA for S3 release???
Not that I want them to rush, I just bought S2 not long ago!

I wonder if inflation will dictate the price of S3?
S2 licensed
I would like to see some tracks in the USA!
Watkins Glen or Watkins Glen Nascar.
S2 licensed
Setups I would the to be able to take a setup and lock it so anyone that connects to my server HAS to use that setup...

I am not sure how they cheat, but I know there is no way they can be 3 to 4 times faster than everyone on the track.... I see it all the time.
We will have a great race going with everyone really close, and then next race you get this fool on there going at stupid speeds wiping everyone out...

It's like an arcade game when that happens....

I did notice that when I locked the server to cockpit view only
I do get a lot less of these fools...

Guess i'll have to password my server next
S2 licensed
Quote from kart-36 :Setups arnt worth as much time as you think, you can still get close racing with a worse setup :/

Well when you try and have a good race with 6 of your non-cheating friends
and some fool connects and does lap times 3 or 4 times faster, that is simply crap! If you lock a server to a setup that is easy for all to drive, the racing is
soooo much closer. Right now the only way to lock the setup, is password
protect the game to keep the hackers out....

If you look at Nascar 2003 and Rfactor, IRacing, they have the option for fixed setups.

Let move away from Arcade racing and have fixed setups like the big boys!

*Another way to keep the setup hackers out is turn on Cockpit view only, they really seem to hate that, which maybe related to how they hack.

Trying to move away from ARCADE RACING!
Fixed setups
S2 licensed
We really need the ability to lock a race down to 1 fixed setup.
It's crazy to run a series of races when you get guys that come
on your server with some super hacked setup any fly by everyone
all night...

Close racing is what it's all about!!!

Arcade style racing is no fun!

S2 licensed
As I said in my previous post.
I can use the wheel without any adjusting
or tweaking in 3 other Racing sims.

So I have it sorted out in LFS.
Doesnt need to feel real, just need to not spin out
on a straight section track, or over steer.
As far as the crazy wheel in the car spinning around
like a head in some horror movie, I just removed it. LOL

Rfactor it is not, but they will get there if they keep working on it.

240, 270, 360, 900 degrees, as long as you can keep the car on the track
and not crash out your opponent.

Thanks for all your Positive feedback!

S2 licensed
OK here is the Scoop...
First I want to remind you that ALL my other racing sims, my wheel
works spot on flawless! BTW My wheel is: Thrustmaster (New version)Rally GT Force Feedback Pro Clutch Edition.

So my issue in LFS with the oversteer and wander has be resolved.
For you guys with this wheel, goto your Thrustmaster control panel.
Befor you do anything, Turn on Auto Center. (Set to By the wheel) not by
the Game recommended. Depending on your feel set your auto centering force accordingly, start low work up by 10's
I started at 50% and moved up by 10. Im at 100 now but thats whats good for me. Your feel will vary. My Thrustmaster control panel settings are as follows.

Auto Center: By the Wheel: 100%
By the Game Recommended: Disabled

Note* Don't let folks tell you a 270 degree wheel is no good, its simply not true!
There are other great products out there besides the over priced
under quality Logitech! The pedals on this TM makes the Logitech
pedals feel like a Fisher-Price toy!
T Master makes a great product, at a sensible affordable price!!!!

Thanks to J.Smith & Body Count for the testing and trials!

Team Rhody Racing USA (LFS)
Nascar 2003/2007
Wheel over sensitive
S2 licensed
Ok is it just me??
I have 3 other racing sims, and my wheel is SPOT on perfect
when it comes to control. I could thread a needle in Nascar 2003, Rfactor,
Race On. I get in LFS and the car weaves all over an spins out!
I have spent 2 weeks working on this! No it's not my wheel, remember
its spot on perfect in other sims! And why does the wheel in the car rotate
around in circles when im making a slight turn!?? verrrry odd physics!

None of my other racing sims have the steering wheel spinning around wildly!
I love to look of LFS, I just wish I could get the car to drive like im in Rfactor or Nascar! Is it just because LFS is still work in progress??

No I dont have a Logitech wheel!
Yes it has 270 degrees of rotation!

A verrrry confused,

S2 licensed
Thanks guys for setting me straight, on the S3 info.
Long Live LFS!

Guys... What do you all think about this wheel setup?

enlarge image

Guillemot RGT Force Feedback Wheel And Pedals Set

Thrustmaster 2969087 RGT Force Feedback Pro Clutch Edition Wheel

I love the G25 and G27, but I really can't swing that kinda doe!
