Have you ever heard the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
This is supposed to be fun in case you had forgotten.
We had 2 servers, but people complained because they were over populated. so we opened 2 more, then people wanted more with different layouts.
If any of our members have a problem then they can come and see me or my husband anytime.
I agree, the website is rubbish, it was written in html with notepad! it also says clearly on the home page, "The site is still being developed so please be patient."
Its temporary, i do have a life outside of LFS you know, with two young children and a business to run. There is a join form and a contact form on the site so you clearly didnt even look at it properly.
Whilst i will gladly accept constructive criticism, if you just want to have a dig then don't bother commenting. I don't care!
Like i said, its about having fun in your spare time. Im not going to let nasty little people ruin it for me!