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Demo licensed
thx for help i discovered other way with ScheduleAction wich starts trafick lights comand but it always spams chat window with that comand

i wanted to ask if it is possible to make that comand invisible in chat window
Demo licensed
sorri for double post but i have faced new problem if layout is loaded in my server and laper is turned on i gain an error wich says that i lost sinchronization can any one tell me where is the problem ?

p.s. i always load layout manually after turnin on lapper but if disconect and conenect again i gain an error
Demo licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :i see that u use a older version of lapper
i think Delayed Command is not availible in that version
pls upgrade to the latest version of lapper 5.925

it has much more functions to play with

sorri but i am not fancy with new wersion i just need to make my trafick lights working plz help me if you can
trafick lights
Demo licensed
Hello i have tried making trafick lights for my server but i have failed
i tied with my command !go

Quote :Register MsgAction("!go",MA_go);
Sub MA_go()
openGlobalButton( "go_red",20,40,15,15,2,10,32,"^1**");
DelayedCommand( 3, go_yellow );
DelayedCommand( 6, go_green );

Sub go_yellow()
openGlobalButton( "go_yellow",20,55,15,15,2,7,32,"^3**");

Sub go_green()
openGlobalButton( "go_green",20,68,15,15,2,4,32,"^2**");

the lapper says that DelayedCommand isn't lapper function if anyone can plz tell me how to make trafick lights with command wich allways turns on every single 2 minutes