For calculating tyre-pressure the camber-angle is also important.
From that they calculate the camber-factor. The reference-pressure has to be multiplied bij the camberfactor. Up to 2 degrees camber-factor stays 1 . and maximum is 4 degrees where camber-factor is about 1.14. so the end pressure has to be multiplied by 1.14. 3 degrees about 1.06 .
cars with speed over 270km/h maximum 3 degrees adviced.
aspect ratio under 30% (235/30 R 18 for instance) maximum 2 degrees so camber factor stays 1.
For in a came mayby you can chanche the formula to a sinus curve or something to calculate the exact effect to the grip and temperature.
The basic formula is made in 1928 for diagonal tires and only the power in it chached from 0.58 to 0.8 for calculating load from pressure.
basic formula is A=(C/D)^125 * B* E. to calculate needed pressure from load and C=(A/(B*E))^0.8*D for calculating load from pressure.
A= actual pressure or needed pressure
B= reference pressure of tire ( not the maximum pressure, if you see "at xxxkPa( cold) "then that is the reference pressure)
C= Actual load or load that can be bared at the actual Pressure( A)
D= Referce maximum load on sidewall in KG LBS or the loadindex
E= camberfactor that can be calculated with the camber-angle
The Load percentage I mentioned in post# 170 , and the bouncing border of 85% could also be worked in the sensors or the game, so you feel more vibration when your Load-percentage is to low, but then also in a vloating schale.
That was the idea to help. If you know how it is done in the real world , you dont have to find it out from the beginning. And I forgot to write, I am from Holand so sorry for mis-spellings and the use of wrong words.
But I tried to send the topicstarter a personal message, because my reaction might be burried in all the other ones. Didnt work so I place this message again. Can also help you to the original formula of the ETRTO and some articles about temperature and grip, wich I dont understand myself yet. My first reaction #170.
found your topic with Googling for tyre-pressure.
Here a copy I use on many fora about calculating tyre-pressure with formula. Mayby you can use it in your tire Fhysics study.
You can also mail me at the adres with the username Here.
Use a titel that cant be comfused with spam, so I wont delete it.
Been busy since 2007 with calculating tyre-pressure with use of the formula of the European ETRTO, I got hold of then. Learned myself Excell to make spreadsheets for it. Last made is one to re-calculate advice-pressures when tyres are placed on the car with other specifications then the original. But can also be used to check the original tyres and see if you can go lower in sertain conditions. ... lculating%20tyre-pressure in this map always take the newest version and there are examples. In the first apearing sheet, the data you need are called. From this link you can navigate my complete public map on hotmail to find more spreadsheets and articles about tire-pressure-formula. Mind that the American TRA uses a formula wich comes to lower pressures so warmer tyres. Also the japanese JATMA uses probably that formula but uses the tyre-typing of the ETRTO. But you can calculate those tyres with the ETRTO formula to get saver pressures.In case of daubt always select the tyre with het highest reference pressure and the lowest Load-index, so you never get to low pressures. In case the advice pressure with TRA gives 26 psi or 180kPa then that is the border where they dont go under. then the ETRTO way can sometimes calculate a lower advice pressure but stil a save one. ETRTO can go down to 21psi or 150kPa and some car-manufacturers dare to go down to 20 psi ( 140kPa) for on the road. In sand sometimes 0,5 bar is used but you have to highen it when you go on the road. Älso made a spreadsheet to see what the temperature in the tyre does to the pressure. This can be used instead of the 4 psi rule, mentioned here. Mind that higher pressure then calculated give lower tyre-temperatures so less highening up of the pressure. And you have to use the actual weight for that. ... recalculationwithtemp.xls I myself introduced the load-precentage. If you calculate for say 1000kg the advice pressure with the formula, then if the actual weight is 850 kg, then the load-percentage ( LP) is 850/1000=0,85=85%. I concluded that if LP=85% then the surface on the ground of the tyre is also 85% of that when 1000kg would be on the tyre. Concluded by information from sites and reactions,the next LP things. 1. the lower LP the lesser grip because of the lower temperature of the tyre surface. 2. Lower LP gives less fuel consumption. 3. 100% LP gives the most gripp and about 95% tyre-live. 4. you may not go over 100% LP on the road. 5. 95% LP gives 100% tyre-live and almost maximum gripp. 6. 90% LP gives 95% tyre-live and still enaugh gripp and lower fuel consumption. 7. under 85% LP most persons and animal experiënce discomfort bij bouncing. This border can be discussed. 8 under 80% LP screws bounce loose from caravans (that is what we in Holland call houses to tow behind your car). 9.because higher temperature gives more gripp at warm ambient temperature you could calculate for a higher speed or lower LP, so the tyres wont get to warm.