Yeah its becoming a teams vs individuals...if you happen to even crowd someone who is on a team, lets just say D-R-T Skorpion just for an example, who comes onto some random server, not D-R-T and not as 'regulated' as they do...and causes mayhem and pileups. Then when he is told by some random individual such as myself to piss off...oh well I guess I am banned from the D-R-T servers magically the next day.
It's great and necessary to ban, penalize, remove drivers but it seems that the Admins are getting way too much control without any sort of check-balance system. Perfect example is the talk of mystery 30-sec and 45-sec penalties. Face it accidents and wrecks happen...just cause you are on the server's team doesnt mean the whole track is yours.
Racers vs. Gamers