I checked out the TechPreview of AC and I like it very much - even I cannot faster than a 1:29 at the first 20 laps I tried it...
It will be without any doubt one of the most important racing-sims of these days.
But what made lfs for me by far the best online-racer, are some points, I will really miss, because I doubt, that AC will work this way (maybe it will be close to netcar Pro, but I don't know this):
- User Skins for cars in online-races. I like this very much. A lot of nice artwork is seen in lfs and every driver has it's own appearance/personality.
- The massive online-stats including their api to use data in Your own website.
- The way/menus to connect to a online-game. It's simple and fast. No other racing sim let's You join a race that quick (even into a ongoing race). After a race is finnished, the next race is coming quickly. No boring hanging around in boring menus/online-"launches". No slow loading menus (thinking of the super-boring loading times in codemaster-games...)
- And in the end the whole buy/download/install procedure. It's cheap, a small download and Lfs even needs no installation. Just unpacking.
All of these features I love. Hoping AC will have some of this efficient simplicity. AC's menus so far are simple. Good in this point. Hope joining a race is quick enough - as the for me the most concerning fear.
So, in the worst case, waiting for S3 is still an option.