Excuse me, Will someone who is part of WKD admin team, Please remove the ban on me.
I was wrong to have made the joke i made, (refering to a argument between two drivers, about the use of the "n" word.) Even though i only said Nigerian, which is not a racial slur, and i neither recieved any sort of warning or how many days i have been banned and for what reason. (even though i can assume 5+ days, and for the use of a non-racial, non-swear word.)
I enjoy driving on WKD cruise. But if i am not allowed to use words of which have no decending meaning, such as nigerian, or even be given the respect by your administrators to be given a written warning even once on your server. Then i am afraid i will not be returning. I would appreciate this to be resolved and the issue to be talked about between your staff ASAP.
Thank you.